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Everything posted by Azorean77

  1. I agree,it’s almost impossible to make a good landing with this plane. My last flight the moment I turn AP off I was in the runway centerline,then Ofcourse the plane started to go a bit off,the moment I start to touch my joystick to make some adjustments the plane takes so long to react that I end up landing way off the centreline,I just landed almost in the taxi way. theres no way a real A350 reacts anything closer to this.
  2. Same here,the moment I signed in Simbrief and changed to Navigrah the sim just froze. I tried a few times but no luck.
  3. Can you guys please have a option to get the mcdu/fmc to work with a external tablet like FBW,PMDG and Fenix have? Some of us simmers have setups with external devices that try to avoid using a mouse. Or atleast give the option to developers like Aviaworx the option to get it to work. On Xplane we have this options with Webfmc,on MFS Fenix,PMDG,FBW but your planes don’t,like common already…
  4. The support on this forum is just atrocious,I don’t even understand why they have this think because they only help anyone on Discord,they should just shut this thing down. Anyways go to MCDU>ATSU>then add your Simbrief ID where it says “Pilot ID.
  5. Hi, in the MCDU the In Request option to upload the flight plan doesn’t even highlights. it says “Error Downloading Data” im the EFB I have my Simbrief ID (numbers) and the flight plan uploads there from simnrief but not in the MCDU.
  6. Hi, Are you guys thinking about adding the option to use the FMC on an external device like PMDG and Fenix have?
  7. Hi,it was my overhead panel conflicting with some bindings I had. Eveythung it’s working good now. thanks
  8. Hi, Almost every time I go to start the engines it’s always a issue. Eng 2 starts then Eng 1 never wants to start,N2 goes to 19% then before I put the fuel lever up N2 goes down to 0,it just keeps doing that,sometimes doesn’t even reaches 10%, im lost,I only manage to do 2 startups with no issues.
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