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Jacob Bowling

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  1. Like a lot of others. The nose wheel turns for me but the plane will only go straight. I have no bindings. Everything is free. No clue how to fix it. Have literally tried everything.
  2. I have rudder pedals and can’t steer the plane on the ground. I don’t have any overlapping bindings. However, the plane will only go straight. The nose wheel will turn left or right. But it will only slide straight. Sometimes it will turn all the way to the right while sliding straight. Other times the wheel will start to turn left and immediately go back to straight. It’s super annoying. Basically, the only way I can fly the plane is if I line it up on the runway.
  3. For some reason I can’t get my plane to turn using my rudder pedals. This is the only plane on MSFS I have this issue with. I have checked all the bindings and there is literally nothing preventing it from being free. The front tire moves back and forth but for some reason the plane will only “slide” straight ahead. I have the Thrustmaster TPR Pedals. Is anyone else having this issue. I have videos of it. But can’t attach them here do to file size. Super frusterating after just buying this plane and having limited time to fly it do to time constraints. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jake Bowling
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