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Everything posted by PotatoSalad

  1. Hi, Another 'bug' to report. I cannot disable the flight directors, it appears the click spot has been corrupted. Thanks
  2. Hi, A couple of times I have encountered hydraulic failures randomly. I do have wear and tear set to realistic. But on this occasion I tried to reset the failures mid-flight as I couldn't be bothered with returning to my departure airport, but I couldn't do so. I then reluctantly landed back at my departure airport and shut the plane down and serviced the hydraulics hoping it would be cleared. I then restarted the engines and the faults were still present. Can Inibuilds advise if I can remove failures or at least cancel them? Thanks
  3. App update rectified this issue. Thanks for the support!
  4. Hi! Stansted has always been a big frame hitter for me, so I've always cut back on ground clutter, static aircraft etc. After this latest update, I'm unable to config this scenery anymore in the Inibuilds app? Cheers
  5. Hi, In the absence of a "pause at top of decent", I use the in-sim rates to either slow or increase sim speed. I have noticed fuel consumption is as if the sim is at normal speed. Therefore, I am running out of fuel halfway into my flight. Today, I have tried to capture this just before I ran out of fuel but neither the tablet or in-sim weight and balance menu is unable to refuel in flight. Please can Inibuilds rectify the fuel usage or implement a pause at TOD? Thanks
  6. Seconding this - I've had "show tail number" active and does not work on the interior or exterior. I believe this was working fine on the white A310.
  7. Hi, As per below image, the wing resignation texture is an issue on EI-LDD (not sure about other aircraft with a wing reg). It disappears/reappears dependent on bank aircraft bank. Thanks
  8. Yep this is exactly what I was trying to describe - perfect example of the issue.
  9. Hi, First time I've encountered this, on my second leg when I've engaged the autopilot on climb out, the autopilot violently rolls the aircraft to the right and tries to crash the plane. I tried to disengage and reengage multiple times to try and rectify but to no avail. Nothing stands out as something I've done wrong (i.e. autopilot and glare shield are all programmed as they should). Note the yoke stays in a neutral position during the roll. Cheers.
  10. I'm going to try it today, fingers crossed!!
  11. Are you running DX12? From speaking with other users, we believe this is limited to night operations whilst using DX12 (unless mistaken). It's not just the A300, but also the A310.
  12. Has anyone tested the stutters with V1.0.2?
  13. Nothing else jumps out at me, nor any other program. The only indication is GPU usage, which normally with the A300 sits around 60%, and with the spikes it decreases to 30% (forgive me I'm a bit of a layman in this area!). @Maxis screenshot is probs best to use.
  14. I think I remember experiencing the same issue with the A310 also. I've tested this with both the optimised textures and the high-def ones, both experience the stutters as described during night ops. We've not found a workaround, so will need inibuilds! FYI you can check if the optimised textures are installed properly as they show in the community folder and is noticeable in the cockpit (try looking at the seats, panels etc).
  15. Update: Been flying stutter free all day until the sim started to get dark - stutters came back. Rolled back the time by 1hr to daylight and stutters went again. So I think the stutters are related to night ops.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion. I checked and the low resolution textures were installed within the community folder.
  17. Update: Tried the optimised resolution pack and it's made no difference to the stutters. So, it's still an issue regardless unfortunately.
  18. Thanks for the suggestion; I shall give the optimised resolution pack a go and report back. @Rodrigo Martins I saw your post and video, and that is exactly what I have experienced.
  19. Hi! Noticed it on both versions of the A300 (V1.0.0 and 1.0.1 - worse on the latest version). Stutters last for 1-2 seconds and occur every 10-15 seconds. Noticeable sound from my hardware when it occurs and there is a dip in GPU load. Does not occur with any other third party plane. Community folder is almost empty and occurs both on the ground and in cruise. I've tried to amend/reduce settings but makes no difference. Normally doesn't occur at first load up but does by the time I arrive at a destination. Tested on both long haul and short haul which made no difference. Running a 4070ti, 5800X3D, 32GB ram, 1080p. Thanks
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