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Rene Feijen

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Posts posted by Rene Feijen

  1. Just curious: is there somewhere where I can see how many hours I flew the A300? Behind the FO seat it says 1 hour, and 16 events ?) but that must be a particular flight, because I estimate I now have 10 hours or so in the A300.

  2. I did EGCC - EGLL , RWY 05L and LIST2S departure, AP was in NAV mode, but it went straight by the waypoints, just kept going runway heading. Yesterday I had no problems (another route). My 2 Discord flying mates had the same problem. (And we all have proof of purchase btw). Used Avgeek checklist and tutorial flight for startup and programming FMS.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Crabby said:

    Are your engines started when this happens?  If you forget this page before you start the engines, you don't get a do over after they are started. 

    Ah, that must be it, will check, thanks!!

  4. Hi

    I sometimes, seeming randomly, after starting up the plane and configuring the FMS can not go to the second INIT page to put in ZFW etc. What am I doing wrong?

  5. Hi

    I downloaded the optimized low textures via the Inimanager, there are now two separate folders in the community folder, the low texture folder and the original folder. Is that correct? I dont see a difference, nor an fps improvement so far. Or should I copy the low texture folder over the original folder?

  6. My friend tries downloading Simbrief flightplan in the FMS. It is downloaded and visible in the tablet, but importing it via the ACARS - Request Simbrief results in

    a scratchpad message "error downloading data". He follows exact the same steps I did. I do not have this problem.

    What could be cause and solution of this problem?

  7. 5 hours ago, AEL001 said:


    Version 1.01

    I saw the video with the aircraft position in Navigraph charts (airport, SID, STAR and Approach) but I can't see it.

    I certainly missed something. Please advise

    PS: I love this aircraft 🥰


    Do you have Simlink installed?

  8. I was looking at the tutorial from Chewie for the XPlane A300/310. The panel where the COM frequencies are tuned is quite different from the MSFS A300. Is that a difference because of older A300 model, or just not implemented in the MSFS version? I see no option to retrieve VATSIM data?



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