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Everything posted by SparrowRZ

  1. Hi, i see that heat blur effect on APU exhaust work any moment even with all aircraft off
  2. Ihope they rollback to default keyboard assigment
  3. Im using keyboard(F1,F2;F3,F4) on 1.04 i dont have this issue.
  4. No, I asked a friend and he has the same problem, well everything points to a new bugg.
  5. Same here, but i cant reach N1 86% i do a clean install
  6. Could you help me with this question, ¿where is the save file that save wear and tear?, i have gained some wear and tear doing multiple flights and after sim graphics update(cache deleted) the plane appears brand new again.
  7. Hi, i have the same issue, when i set up nav ap dont follow the route, and the flight director goes all to the right side of the pfd, the route i been trying is PHNL/MMMX PHNLMMMX01.fpl
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