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  1. I didn't feel like it at first, and I still don't. But in the end it makes the long search for the culprit easier. And a lot of errors can be ruled out directly
  2. Since I cannot update data for the A300 in the Navigraph Hub, the A300 will use the MSFS data. And so I have no SID/STAR problems with it.
  3. I cannot confirm this. I believe that there is a Navigraph problem here. I have not been using Navigraph for the SIM for a long time. Since I have often experienced that SID & STAR were missing. I still use it for the airplanes. And since then everything has been ok.
  4. I also have the same problem. Everything seems to be ok on the approach. But during touchdown the airplane behaves very shaky, it always wants to tip to the left or right.
  5. I have it again too.
  6. No, this is not a sim problem. I don't have this problem with any other aircraft. I have also reinstalled the aircraft cleanly. I also have the same problem on longer flights. So please don't give me the sim problem. In addition, I have read several reports that this airplane has an FPS problem.
  7. Yes, that happens on pretty much every flight. I have a Ryzen 9 7950x3d 4080 and 64 GB RAM. On no other aircraft in MSFS do I have such poor performance as in the A300.
  8. I bought the A300 today. And I was really pleased when I got it. Unfortunately, the bad news came very quickly when it came to performance. I have a pretty good computer and achieve very decent FPS figures in MSFS When I flew from OMDB-EDDF today, I noticed that my initial FPS of around 110 had dropped to 17 FPS by the time I arrived. This is an extremely poor feature in my eyes. I knew that the A300 would have a few bugs at the beginning, which I can overlook. But such a drop in performance makes the aircraft very unusable for me in its current state.
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