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Everything posted by skydiver6547

  1. Although I have filled in the necessary input fields, no data are generated in the Output window after pressing the Calculate button.
  2. I also made a post in the Microsoft forum. According to the official answer, there is a bug in AIRAC and therefore the problem is independent of the aircraft. With revision 2 of Navigraph from October 3rd, which I have installed in the meantime, the problem has been fixed.
  3. I tried to perform several ILS approaches at different airports. The setup was correct (ILS frequency, ILS in control panel selected, final approach in cdu). Nevertheless no ILS signal appeared in the PFD, although LOC and G/S were armed. As a result, the aircraft was unable to perform the ILS approach neither in manual nor in AP mode. THis problem exists only since AAU3 update. Is this a bug or did I miss something?
  4. I confirm having the exact same issue every time i activate altn airport. I would appreciate if you could fix the bug. Thanks
  5. Many Thanks for the solution! It works for the A310 and my other airplanes.
  6. Hi richboy2307 I'm happy to send you the requested sacreenshots. Throttle Axis is Joystick L-Axis Z (reverse axis needed for the Thrustmaster TWCS)I. Just to confirm no such ptoblem on any other aircraft e.g. PMDG, Fenix etc. I hope it helps to find the problem. Thanks
  7. Thank you for the hints Resetting calibration didn't help. My Throttledata.ini corresponds to your information. Meanwhile I found a workaround. I reset reverse with F1 and slightly increase thrust with F3 beyond idle. Therafter the TWCS Throtlle functions normally again until the next deployment of reverse. Perhaps there is a incompatibilty problem between TWCH Throttle and the aircraft as i didn't encounter such a problem with any other aircraft.
  8. Since SU15: I’m using Thrustmaster TWCS throttle encountering a problem after using reverse. Reverse on throttle axis is set to no. I normally engage reverse with F2. When I increase thrust thereafter moving the throttle beyond idle this leeds to reverse instead of thrust increase. This problem occurs only with the A310.
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