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Everything posted by ttkl747

  1. ttkl747

    Enoent error

    Problem solved, just had to update INI Manger Tim
  2. ttkl747

    Enoent error

    Trying to do a clean install of the A300 (the lastest version) i keep getting a ENOENT error not got a clue what this means any help would be appreciated have attached a pic of full message Regards Tim
  3. Yes i do have some scenery installed but ELLX is not one of them..
  4. Hi all, When trying to set up a flight and i go to set up the departure or arrival not all the sids or stars are showing up in the FMC dose not matter which airport i am at the same thing happens. for instance ELLX 24=Y Arrival has 13 stars and 4 via's in the FMC i only get 5 stars and 4 via;s, and yes my Airac is up to date. Any thoughts Regards Tim
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