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  1. Glad to hear it’s in the works and hopefully it doesn’t end up on the back burner. There are so many good repaints for the original T-33 (including seemingly every one operated by the RCAF!) it would be such a shame if these could t make their way to 2024. Having plentiful repaints really helps make the aircraft and unfortunately Ini support for this really seems slow / lacking for 2024 aircraft (the A300 is another offender in this area).
  2. Would love to hear from INI on this. The RCAF repaints by Jocko mentioned above are just too good to not have them in MSFS24.
  3. Will INI create more liveries? Normally you’d have a few dozen out pretty quickly.
  4. That’s so frustrating, that can’t be a thing, especially with long haul airliners. INI seems to be the only dev with this issue, it really needs to be fixed.
  5. Just wanted to add that I have the issue both on my TCA and my TQ6, so it seems to be an issue with how it calibrates throttles with the reverser on axis rather than just the TCA. Hopefully a patch is forthcoming, I would think they should be able to figure out why idle in the calibration does not equal idle in the sim and tweak it accordingly. I’ve tried altering the calibration file as noted here but them my idle thrust isn’t actually at idle, so also not an ideal situation. For now I’m just flying without the reversers on axis until ini sorts it out.
  6. Hello, as a follow up to the posts about the TCA calibration issue, I have both the TCA and the VirtualFly TQ6 and the issue exists on both. I tried using the suggested fix at this link but in doing that idle calibration on the throttles is no longer actually at idle, it sits just above idle - if I hit the key bind to reduce thrust, F1, the throttle will then reduce a bit further to proper idle. This might also be an explanation for the support post I saw about "idle" thrust resulting in the aircraft taxiing too fast. Just wanted to provide this additional information in the hopes that a proper fix for throttle calibration will be forthcoming in a patch as the above link isn't a full solution. I'm happy to provide any information I can to the team to help figure out the fix.
  7. This sounds like the same issue I had with the A310 and am having with the A300. I have a hardware tiller and it “stutters” for lack of a better term while steering, I keeps resetting to straight ahead for short periods, maybe it’s because I’m also applying brakes and inadvertently adding a bit of rudder. Unfortunately I can’t use my hardware tiller with either aircraft.
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