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  1. Had the same issue myself, no spaces in my SimBrief ID, worked fine after restarting the flight.
  2. No worries, and will do. In this case, did you manually set your XPDR code before you read back the departure clearance? Or did you have it automatically set when reading back the clearance? I saw this issue when doing the former.
  3. @KwikFlight Robby - apologies for the direct tag, but hopefully you may be able to shed some light here?
  4. Hey there! First of all, love the aircraft! It's a treat to have something so rare in a flight sim. My question is - does the transponder work? I typed the code that the ATC specified into the FMC's COM page, but following takeoff, I got booted out of the IFR flight plan after being told repeatedly to reset my transponder. It seems that there's no "on/off" switch for the transponder anywhere in the cockpit. Have I missed a step here?
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