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Everything posted by PMSoares

  1. I can confirm that version 1.1.1 is now tracking correctly the VOR on the ROSE NAV , but both the bearing info on the PROG PAGE and the bearing info on the RMI are off by up to 23 degrees. The HSI bearing is correct , as well as the course deviation indication. I suppose that both the bearing info in the prog page an the bearing info in the RMI are missing the magnectic variation.
  2. I'm experiencing two issues regarding conventional navigation in the A-300. First is a disagree between the bearing to a VOR in the FMS PROG page, as can be seen in the picture below. The course to the VOR is 228, as shown in both the HSI and the RMI. However, according to the FMS the bearing to the same VOR is 224. It seems the FMS is not taking in consideration the station´s magnetic variation, which ios precisely 14 degrees west. Another issue i'm experiencing is when tracking a radial to/from a VOR using the V/L function. The plane is not tracking ir properly. It seems that the same issue with magnetic variation is affecting the VOR/LOC autopilot tracking. Even without any wind, the plane drifts to the right of the radial when V/L is selected and the FMA goes from VOR to VOR *, which means the AP/FD is trying to capture the radial. After a while, the plane eventually flies paralell to the intended course at half dot deflection as cn be seen in the picture below:
  3. I have the same problem. I'm deactivatimng the crash on overtress option in order to enjoy this nice plane.
  4. Yes. Had the same issue when pausing using ESC key.
  5. I'm having besides this issue, another weird behavior. When I use the steering tiller, but at the same time I press the brakes, the steering returns to neutral position and the plane stops turning.
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