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Everything posted by bmaising

  1. Dear inibuilds team, First of all - thank you for this great model of the A350 - my appreciation in form of the premium package purchase. Just one point - why there is no visible co-pilot? Will be there one in future? and will be the captain maybe visible in your msfs2024 planes? Or is there a workaround for msfs2024 like in msfs2020 that we can do ourselves? (like placing additional code in the models section in the first LOD)? With kind regards, Your customer Bernhard
  2. I have found the solution, you can close the topic.
  3. And here is the tutorial I followed:
  4. Exactly the same behaviour in the A310 in MSFS from inibuilds.
  5. Here I recorded the issue in the cockpit when visible pilots are working:
  6. Is there any GSX profile for the A300, both variants?
  7. Its meant from the inside of the cockpit, the common method to make the pilots visible there is to copy in the models section the pilot_1 and pilot_2 parts from LOD01 to LOD00 and add two nodes numbers. It works for most aircraft, asobo and third party. And this creates the issue described in the first post
  8. Hi, previously tried on the inibuilds/ASOBO A310 to set the visible pilots in the models config, it created a problem that caused the knobs and buttons not working (cannot be clicked), and now the same issue happens here, in the A300 (tried in freighter version). Why this happens? What nodes must I set after the last ones? Do you not allow to set visible pilots in the cockpit? 😞
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