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  1. IRM1101, Flying a SPECIAL flight from OIIE/IKA ( Tehran - Iran ) to OAKB/KBL ( Kabul - Afghanistan ). Watch out the destination Approach chart for a better understanding of why I called this flight SPECIAL. Really enjoyable flight and what a flight to improve my flying skills. Regards.
  2. Hello, May I ask you which level of details you are talking about ???
  3. During cruise , approaching Gemerek/Sivas province-Turkey at FL350 inbound to Tehran/IKA-Iran. The airspeed trend depends on experiencing moderate turbulence which is notified in previous post. The 2nd photo shows the approach within 11 DME ARC from IKA. Do you know when you should perform the GEAR DOWN and on which flaps setting?
  4. Sunrise , En-route from LTAY (Cardak-Turkey) to OIIE (Tehran-Iran) , FL350. Experiencing moderate turbulence and continue with ALT HOLD and reducing speed to Mach 0.78 according to SOP. Thanks inibuilds for this Beauty.
  5. Requesting Mahan Air A300-603R EP-MNG.Thanks.
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