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  1. The A350F is indeed available for sale (see https://aircraft.airbus.com/en/aircraft/freighters/A350F ) and 63 orders have been placed, but the aircraft is still an engineering project, with entry intro service scheduled for the second half of 2027, following the recent annoucement of some more delays (see https://www.key.aero/article/airbus-delays-a350f-freighter#:~:text=Speaking during the company's full,test aircraft will enter the ). So, there are no actual freighter airplanes around yet.
  2. As a temporary workaround: you can modify (for the A350-900) the file flight_model.cfg in ... Community\inibuilds-aircraft-a350\SimObjects\Airplanes\inibuilds\aircraft-a350-900 and change the first two lines in the [INTERACTIVE POINTS] section to e.g. [INTERACTIVE POINTS] number_of_interactive_points =13 interactive_point.0 =0.3,72.205162,-9.489041,1.653652,0,0,0,-75,90,4,85,3,-2,40 interactive_point.1 =0.3,72.205162,9.489041,1.653652,0,0,0,86,90,4,85,3,-2,33 (modifications shown in red)
  3. ps1flyer

    Camera stuck

    Looks like I just had the same issue multiple times, but it seems that I was able to get un-stuck. Right now, I am airnborne, so I will not investigate further, but it looks like there is some interaction between the OIS (where keyboard can be acticated by the TAB key) and //42 Flow (where also the TAB key is used to activate the menu). I was able to get back control when the OIS accepted a mouse click to open and close keyboard, thus regaining control over the sim.
  4. A quick update on this issue ... problem is solved. The correct hint was found in the MSFS forums in a discussion regarding DFW. The "blurry textures" problem at Dallas Love Field is caused by the "USA Photogrammetric Cities" Update - which is part of World Update 10. The USA Photogrammetric Cities package includes (among other cities) also Arlington, TX - apparently the photogrammetry for Arlington breaks several things at DFW and DAL. When you remove this package via the content manager, everything is fine again.
  5. Hi all, since I was not able to find any other direct reference to this issue, I wanted to report my findings to a recent issue and hope that it will help anyone else. I recently did some flights into KDAL and started to notice a strange phenomena which I did not notice before when I bought KDAL. On arrival or departure from 13R, I noticed blurried textures on the western end (threshold and first 2000') of runway 13R, see attached picture. This affects the runway but also the surrounding taxiways (C and L between C6 and C10, also T5). Initially, I suspected a product issue but even with a completely empty community folder and default KDAL, I still got blurried textures, but only on parts of the airport. Upon closure investigation, it seems that this does not effect the airport directly but a whole tile / rectangular area of the ground textures between DFW and DAL. A closure look on one stretch and a ramp of I-35E brought the solution. The affected tile seems to have some sort of photogrammetry. --> Turning off photogrammetry solves the 'blurry texture', for both the default DAL and the add-on DAL airport. Maybe this helps some of you, when having the same issue. I wonder - did anyone else notice this blurry texture issue? (There are other reports, but mainly related to DFW. See https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/kdfw-ground-texture-problem-pc/593144/32 ) Markus p.s. Note that the image shows the default DAL because the effect is better visible. The add-on DAL is affected as well.
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