I have watched your excellent videos including the interview with the T-33 pilot. However, I think either he misspoke about the fuel system or maybe his bird has been modified in some way.
According to the T-33A manual, AN 01-75FJC-1, dated 15 May, 1950, revised 24 April, 1951, the T-33A tip tanks, LE tanks, and wing tanks are fed into the main tank via a set of float valves staged at different heights. This allows the main tank to draw from the tip tanks first, LE tanks second, wing tanks third, and finally the main fuselage tank. Fuel does not vent overboard if all the tank pumps are selected on (see diagram figure 1-3, page 5).
According to figure 2-1, page22, As the fuselage tank level drops, the float valves open in succession until all the tanks are emptied. The suggestion is to turn "off" the pump for a specific tank as it's respective low fuel alert light comes on.
Another interesting note is the use of 100/130 gasoline in the LE tanks used for starting and purging during shutdown.
I hope you guys continue to update this bird. She looks and flies amazing.
Patrick "Zeagle" Duncan