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einherz last won the day on June 20 2023

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  1. this is not bad or good. this is as it is. different companies have are different bar "enough" and it's unlikely aeroplan heaven will have same "enough" as a2a same about users. for me absolutely enough bar is carenado, and everything else more than enough and of course i love it much more, but i don't think is possible to change this vision of certain "bar" for a person or for a company. i'd like to see t-33 with more details too, but for me this model in category "more than enough" however i know the company which have the bar that growing up from start till now is flyingiron, and i guess this bar will still growing up. sure would be cool if all companies will as a2a(with more productivity in open world flight sim industry), or milviz(with more often bugfix and updates) or flyingiron(with same wanted stuff as milviz) or black square or pmdg(with fighter and trainers models) or azurpoly as is. but i afraid all, exclude flyingiron, will still pretty same as they are. as i said, i think, we just can not wait more than can be. it's like word "normality" all people understand it their own way, except psychiatrists. if you need claim, claim me for my english or for unreasonable posts, but same as me as most ordinary person on the planet, who know how the ordinariness works, most people will do same things by same way, as i said on the sim market only flyingiron changes. or may be i forgot somebody, you can claim me for this too lol
  2. einherz


    yes, this stuff, trouble start on aggressive yaw and bank. arrow go to one edge, then jump/teleport to another edge. this problem only in some 2020 aircraft in 2024 sim. bronco for example.
  3. einherz


    thank you for moving the post in right place same bug i found in shrike sabre. sure it's not only inibuilds bug, something wrong with porting this stuff in 2024. new sdk. p.s. and problem not only when taxi, any aggressive maneuver when arrow move to edge left or right, teleport the arrow to opposite direction.
  4. 22:21 in the video start time when sun more intensive... same as in 2020 bug different but depend of how intense the sun light. in 2020 flickering, in 2024 become gray without any reflections and show only some grey instead glass.
  5. hi, sorry for wrong place, i didn't found that time msfs 2024 area. yes, you can found this new trouble in the video, it's not mine, but result same - when sun light on the gauges they are become to gray unrecognizable, but element like inclinometer arrow still visible...
  6. einherz


    hi, the arrow of the subject jump left/right when taxi. problem start in ms2024 thank you
  7. looks like the bug still exist in the new simulator. i mean something wrong with the gauges glass. but now instead of flickering gauge become invisible, just gray textures... no mirroring, nothing... and looks like now it's all time when in cockpit bright enough. 4090 hdr. something like that in big radial p-40 in msfs2020 from first version. probably some not standard glass modeling or something else.
  8. einherz

    Ailerons trim

    no problema:)
  9. einherz

    Ailerons trim

    black cone hat on the stick is ailerons/elevator trim control stuff... same logic using all modern attack/strike birds
  10. hi guys, 1.0.3 update is only for default engine, or update alternative one too?
  11. as Dudley Henriques said, i wanted said same but another form - real pilots are bad testers for simulator, because they have bad patterns - does everything right. i'm not real pilot, but long time ago in other simulator i flew p-80 me262 horten and stuff like that, and from that time with engines like those bird had, i use them gently slow. however i don't really know how the engine was tested, probably testers moves engine faster than they do in real, for found if that works right in the wrong way too:) in this t-33 i once kill engine because move throttle forward too fast... don't sure it was after or before i start to use alternative version of engine, but that was on touch and go... for be sure, i guess, is better be some one from real world that tested it wrong way too test again and say it works as should or power really can go more fast than real. i have that feeling too, the throttle too responsible, but i really have no clue how real it is.
  12. einherz

    no tip tanks

    yes. interesting.., may be same guys will create sabre? shrike's one is cool, but would be cool to have one more
  13. thank you!
  14. einherz

    no tip tanks

    thank you, this beast is cool anyways:)
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