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marcus coull

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Everything posted by marcus coull

  1. marcus coull


    Ok.Hope it works out. I'm finding it a pain in other ways. Can't add fuel of freight or people. Just want to test muck around at an airport but won't do anything. I try to input values but nothing enters. Always found Inibuilds to be a bit more that what I can put up with. So far all I see are people using simbreif/Navigraph on youtube during the tutorials. No manual inputs yet..LOL.
  2. marcus coull


    Hey Tim.Don't know if this helps.I found I had hit the view offside button left of the screen.Turned it off and got back the options on screen.Hope that helps.
  3. Woops.Solved it for me.I had View offside highlighted left of the screenTurned if off and options was back.LOL
  4. After calibrating the throttles and playing with some settings, I now can't see the options menu in the EFB.Any ideas on how to fix/reset to default.??Cheers
  5. marcus coull


    I got similar today.1st time showed options screen. Calibrated the throttle. All good. Did some other adjustments. Now the efb won't show options?????Can't figure out why.
  6. Just wondering if you plan to release a manual for this. I'm having heaps of trouble trying to calibrate the throttle in the EFB.The throttles move as I'm trying to do each section but when I've done that it says calibration saved but the throttles will not move at all.Cheers.
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