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Everything posted by falcon71

  1. Thank you for correcting the aft CG warning as mentioned here: However, the implementation is still not correct. Load 20 tonnes in the aft compartment to produce and aft CG. Then enter a ZFWCG of 25 in the FMC. The aircraft will still produce a warning, even though it should think that it's CG is well within the limit. Another issue is OPT FL and MAX FL. Those values are based on the actual weight (They change immediately when changing the load in the EFB). The should however be based on the weights entered in the FMC.
  2. Load the cargo aircraft empty, except for 20 tonnes in aft compartment. The second you turn on the aircraft, you will receive an aft cg warning. How is this possible? I was under the assumption that the aircraft does not have a W&B system and relies on the values entered in the FMC? Same with OPT and MAL FL on the INIT page, how are those values available if the aircraft does not yet know how heavy it is? Is this a bug?
  3. I was using this scenery: https://flightsim.to/file/44943/ltfo-rize-artvin-airport-turkey-iata-rzv The procedures are from Navigraph, Airac 2307.
  4. I posted this on Discord, but got no answer. I hope this is the right place to post bug reports. Please take a look at the attached screenshot. This is LTFO ILS Z 06 via ARTV1. Based on the charts, the aircraft would leave ART at 254° and then make a left hand turn to intercept the ILS. As you can see in the screenshot, the ini A310 however puts the outbound leg slightly below the inbound leg, resulting in a wrong right hand turn.
  5. My VA only cares about ZFW, so entering pax manually and then fiddling with the cargo slider until the ZFW matches is a bit annoying. I would love to be able to enter the ZFW directly and it fills pax/cargo appropriately. The runway heading on the performance page is based on a true heading. This heading is hard to verify, since the charts always depict magnetic runway heading. I would prefer if the runway heading was magnetic and the conversions magnetic/true would be done behind the scenes.
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