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Everything posted by falcon71

  1. When pulling the VS knob on the FCU while it is blank, it currently sets the target speed to 0 fpm, effectively causing a level off upon VS mode engagement. According to the FCOM, I would expect the autopilot to synchronize with the current actual vertical speed and continue with this speed:
  2. To get back on topic: I flew to nearby DNMM today (arrival was BUDS1N). They have a speed limit of 230 knots below FL100: The aircraft still decelerated only to 250 knots, busting the speed limit. It appears to me, that the 250 knots are hardcoded in the iniBuilds version, not taking the value from the VERT REV page into account at all.
  3. I have figured out, I made a mistake here. The correct format appears to be in kg, not tons. In my example above 143100 instead of 143.1 seems to be correct. This gives much more plausible values. May I suggest changing the placeholder? ---.- made be believe, the entry was expected to be in tons. And maybe a plausibility warning if the entered TOW is less than DOW for idiots like me?
  4. falcon71

    Fuel leak

    I can confirm, this bug is now fixed. Thanks iniBuilds!
  5. All right Crabby, let's blow your mind. That's what people have to say about Europe: https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/1294/what-is-the-speed-limit-in-european-airspace Again, that's the theory. In practice you will find regulations, publications, procedures and at the very least ATC that will limit your speed in Europe. I really tried to find anything for Ghana. If you have found anything for Ghana, then please share. But you can't just throw out random claims with no backing sources. Let's keep it factual please.
  6. Thank you very much for fixing the reverse thrust binding. I do however still have a small problem: I use throttle1_cut and throttle2_cut to stow the reversers and reset the thrust levers back to idle. Since a couple of versions, throttle2_cut sets the thrust back to 50% instead of idle. This is how it looks after firing both events: As you can see, throttle 1 cut works apart from the NaN display bug. Could you please make throttle2_cut set the thrust back to 0%? Using throttle_cut is a workaround until this issue is fixed, it correctly sets both levers to idle.
  7. And I have shown you ICAO Annex 11 before: We are talking in circles.
  8. Please take a look at the following examples: The first is a rather tight calculation for a 2000 meter runway and the second is a calculation for a long 4000 meter runway. The results differ only in the V speeds. I would have expected, that the runway length have a much greater factor on the flex temperature, than on the V speeds. Is the calculated flex value displayed correctly? For comparison, TOGA results in exactly the same V speeds and MTOW (PERF), which I find hard to believe: I also noticed, lifts off unnaturally light on long runways. Are those fast V speeds on long runways correct? With the above example, it is also possible to perform a calculation for a 1800 Meter runway. In that case the MTOW is 139.2, which is below the entered TOW. I would have expected a warning in this case.
  9. The FCOM states the following for the heading select mode: However, I noticed that the iniBuilds simulation switches direction beyond 180° and turns to the closest direction.
  10. You are talking about the CFR: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/section-91.117 Those apply to the United States only. Have you found any such laws regarding aircraft speed limits for Ghana?
  11. falcon71

    Fuel leak

    I noticed in multiple flights with the most recent version that a fuel imbalance is developing in the left inner tank: This image was taken during descent. The APU was shut off with the APU master switch shortly after turning on the engines. I initially suspected that the APU was somehow still draining fuel, but the leak increased even when completely isolating the tank. I'm fairly sure, the leak did not occur with 1.0.6.
  12. You refer to ICAO Annex 11. They provide this handy chart: Now, most countries obviously do have their own regulations in place to enforce speed limits. However, I did not find any such regulations for Ghana or the approach into Accra and since the STAR into DGAA is entirely within class A and B, I have to assume, that there is no speed limit in place. In Boeing aircraft, you can delete the speed limit in the climb and descend pages. This also applies to the MD-80. In the A320 the speed limit can be modified and cleared on the VERT REF page of the (LIM) waypoint. I do however agree with you that higher speeds below FL100 carry additional risks.
  13. I'm sorry. I just noticed, I wrote DNMM in the initial post. The STAR and Approach actually belong to DGAA, but I think you already figured that out. DGAA does not have any speed limits, this can be verified in the regulations (specifically part 19 and part 24): https://www.gcaa.com.gh/web/?p=651
  14. Well, I think I did. It looks like my screenshot above. Is there anything else I needed to do to change the speed limit?
  15. Hi Crabby, I was not talking about the altitude restrictions, those worked pretty well actually. I was talking about the speed limit (not the speed restriction either!). As you can see, the speed limit was changed to 285/FL100. The aircraft should not have slowed down to 250 knots below FL100.
  16. Hello, I flew the approach DNMM ILS 21 EREK1B. I modified the DES SPD LIM (LSK 4R) in the VERT REV page: On the FPLN page it still showed a reduction to 250 knots below FL100 and PROFILE mode still slowed down to 250 knots at FL100. I would have expected the aircraft to remain at 285 knots. Also, when I cleared the limit, it switched to the above displayed 285/FL100. The FCOM makes it sound like it should revert to the default (250/10000). I'm not sure though if this behavior is dependent on the FMC software version, but it might be worth to check.
  17. I am actually using SPAD.neXt, but it's not working either for me. I used THROTTLE1_DECR with a value of 25 to put it into idle reverse and a value of 1000 for full reverse. This used to work in 1.0.6 and does not work anymore. What binding are you guys using?
  18. Same problem here, throttle decrement no longer puts the throttles into reverse. Is there a workaround or a quick fix planned? Also, throttle 2 cut still puts engine 2 into the 50% position instead of 0%. Though that bug was already introduced in 1.0.6...
  19. Thanks Mark, this is precisely what I'm doing and why I am asking. I would expect the descent page to be there for a reason. The FCOM is a bit ambiguous in the descent forecast page. It only mentions, that the temperature has a minor influence on the descent computations, which could mean that the winds do have at least some influence. Right now, I'm not sure if they have any in this simulation. I'm sure iniBuilds knows what the VNAV should be capable of and that's what I'd like to find out.
  20. I can confirm, that the VOR mode does not change from capture to tracking mode. This screenshot was taken from the OIII OBRI2A departure. I captured the VOR in manual flight before turning the AP on. It tracked the VOR somewhat, bit did not switch to tracking mode.
  21. I've had a few descends lately with very strong tailwinds (>100 knots). Prior to descend, I entered the expected winds in the descend forecast page and those values later matched the actual winds quite well. However, I observed the aircraft flew way faster than predicted to chase the path and then strayed above the path, requiring the speed brake to bleed of energy. It appeared to me, that the VNAV path calculation does not consider the wind from the descend forecast page. I heard, that the real VNAV is hit and miss as well, is this the intended behavior or is this an oversight of the simulation?
  22. Please take a look at the GPS altitude displayed on the GPS MONITOR page. That altitude is currently the indicated altitude and even changes when the altimeter setting is changed. It should however be the geometric altitude as measured by the GPS.
  23. I'm sorry for the confusion. Yes, the waypoint names and sequence looks correct. I'm talking about the tracks above the waypoint names: -2147483648° does not look perfect to me. Yes, I'm using Navigraph Navdata and Navigraph Charts.
  24. Please load the approach OIIE ILS 29R with the RUS transition. The procedure includes a DME Arc, those tracks do not look correct:
  25. The CG Indication on the left display and on the right fuel page initially display the ZFWCG. During flight, this value correctly shifts aft as fuel is transferred to the trim tank. However, this value is still based on the ZFWCG and not on the GWCG as can be seen by the actual CG display on the EFB. It appears to me, that it fails to respect the CG of the loaded fuel after entering the ZFWCG in the FMC.
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