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Everything posted by leo10

  1. Come faccio a trasferire i miei dati ini degli aeroporti dal marketplace al gestore?
  2. inibuilds ragazzi, so che non è colpa vostra se questo aeroporto è uscito su xbox, ma mi sembra strano che aeroporti come Luton usciti dopo siano ora già presenti su xbox. Non vedo l'ora di darti i miei soldi per questo fantastico aeroporto, ma vorrei avere l'opportunità di acquistarlo
  3. leo10

    omaa for xbox

    Abu Dhabi e Dubai arriveranno mai su Xbox?
  4. sorry, could I ask if there is any news on the jfk updates since it is still unusable on xbox? and I would also like to know if you have a release date for dubai on xbox?
  5. i play on a xbox series x
  6. Hi I'm an xbox user who just bought the jfk. inibuilds I don't want to put any pressure but as soon as I get close to some terminal the screens of the plane go black furthermore from far away all the gates and even whole terminals are rendered very badly and are simply black parallelepipeds. In my opinion this should be a problem for you to deal with immediately because this makes it unusable as a scenario. I love your company, but in my opinion this is an issue that needs to be addressed right away. sorry for the english(google translator)
  7. happy Easter. a question, I'm asking it here because I don't know where to ask it, but it's normal that heatrow on xbox isn't done at the Los Angeles level. Let me explain it's not textured as well as the v2 and v3 images show
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