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KSDF - Louisville Muhammad Ali International by Zero Dollar Payware V2
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Louisville airport is a large public airport located in Louisville in northern Kentucky. It is the largest airport in the state of Kentucky, the third largest cargo airport in the US, and the seventh largest cargo airport in the world. The airport features UPS Worldport and serves as their main hub for worldwide operations. There is a passenger terminal on the north side of the field with 2 concourses, each holding 12 gates. The airport is also host to the Kentucky Air National Guard and has maintenance hangars for both Republic Airways and Compass Airways. In addition there are several GA hangars as well as a FBO operated by Atlantic Aviation.
Installation Instructions
Download and unzip the ksdf---louisville-international folder into your "Custom Scenery" folder
It is recommended to use x-organizer to ensure correct scenery load order. This may also be done manually by opening the scenery_packs.ini file in the "Custom Scenery" folder, and moving ksdf---louisville-international to the top of the list.
Required Libraries
ZDP Library v1.0+ MisterX Library v2.0+ SAM Library v2+ We don't ask for donations but if you feel so inclined you can do so here, all donations go toward buying material for future scenery projects
Download Size: 443MB
Zero Dollar Payware Library
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
The ZDP Library is intended for use in conjunction with the MisterX library. The purpose of this library is to provide a common location for all of the frequently used assets in ZDP sceneries. It is structured in such a way that any scenery developers can use our assets to create sceneries just as good as ours, without the hassle of creating textures and assets from scratch. Because the primary role of the library is to hold assets which are created for ZDP sceneries we don't intend to add new assets unless they are of use in a new project. A guide for how to use the library is included in the readme (and also is transcribed below).
For questions with how to use the library please go to our discord server
Usage Guide
Lines - Use these just like any other library.
Paint - Draw paint over top of existing ground textures. These will automatically be rendered on top of any concrete or asphalt textures. Paint is great for filling in large areas or making custom runways. Use the "paint_border" lines to draw a border around your painted shape.
Signs - These are done as subtextured sheets. Click on the letter you want to place and then draw it as a rectangle to create a polygon. You can click a letter multiple times to change the edges. These use the same coordinates as the default xplane signs so upgrading existing signs is as easy as changing the resource value.
Painted Text - Good for things like gate numbers. Place a circle (or draw your own shape using paint) and place your text on top.
Runway Markings - Use these objects to draw markings on runways. Use the associated "_border" objects to add a black border if needed.
Grunge - place these as objects. Don't be afraid to overlap a few on top of eachother if you want a darker effect!
Ground Textures
Video Tutorial
Step 1: Place the base textures (concrete or asphalt). Make note of the naming convention for base textures to ensure you get exactly what you need. Note that WED doesn't show decals in the preview, you'll need to load into xplane to see the full effect. All variation and surface types and be seen from the included Surface_Guide.png and Variation_Guide.png images.
> <Surface>_<Wear Level>_<Variation Type>.pol
> ex. concrete/flat_worn_striped.pol is a flat concrete slab with a worn surface, and randomly varying darkness along 1 axis
Step 2: Place your overlays. Duplicate each surface, pick the color or darkness you want your surface to have and replace the "resource" value to apply the overlay. Overlays can be stacked too if you need even more control! Just be sure to use the overlay specified for the surface you are applying it to as each overlay is tuned specifically for the surface it is used on top of.
Step 3 (Optional): Create a custom grunge mask. See the video linked above for an overview of what this is. This is a more advanced technique but provides signifigant visual improvements.
Step 4 (Optional): Add spot grunge. Using the default laminar "Grunge1" and "Grunge2" objects, place spot ground around the airport to improve the realism and break up large uniform surfaces.
Download size: 1.0GB
RKSI - Seoul-Incheon International by Zero Dollar Payware
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Welcome to Seoul, South Korea!
Incheon International Airport (RKSI/ICN) is the largest airport in South Korea, and is the primary international airport serving the Seoul metro area. It is one of the largest airports in the world and is one of the busiest in terms of both passanger and freight movements. Being a relatively new airport, it is built mostly on reclaimed land and implements some of the most modern technology found in airport design. Whether you want to fly a short hop across the Korean Peninsula or an ultra-long haul to one of many airports served from ICN, this scenery will suit all of your needs.
Important note for anyone using AIRAC data from June 2021 or later
You must install a modified version of the airport data in order for the scenery to work with some payware aircraft. Because the airport recently opened a new runway while we were in development, we were unable to implement it into this version of the scenery. Because of this change in runway configuration you must install this update to allow all aircraft FMCs to read the correct approaches. The new runway will be added in the future, however we must wait for appropriate reference imagery to become available. There is no timeline for when this update will be complete.
To install, copy the Earth nav data folder from the "Scenery Variants" directory into your main RKSI scenery folder and overwrite all files. You will need to reload the sim (reloading the scenery without restarting the sim may cause it to crash or not reload correctly).
mostly custom buildings somewhat accurate layout and signage pretty good FPS optimization marginally realistic 3d grass and ortho reasonably functional custom SAM jetways decently accurate grunge and dirt fully functional AI taxi routes probably high resolution 1k textures with PBR kinda accurate terminal interiors unofficially licensed by the Incheon International Airport Corporation and BTS Required Libraries
MisterX Library v2.0+
SAM v2.0+
Installation Instructions:
Download and move your unzipped rksi-incheon folder into your custom scenery folder
Use xOrganizer, or delete your scenery_packs.ini to adjust your scenery load order if using our provided ortho. If you have issues with the scenery loading, most likely your load order is wrong.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Question: Does this include the new runway 16R/34L?
Answer: No, since that runway is so new we were unable to get suitable reference imagery to implement it at the same level of quality as the rest of the airport. It will be added in a future update but we have no estimated release date for it.
Question: Why can't I select an approach for runway 16/34 in my aircraft's FMC?
Answer: You are using an AIRAC cycle which includes the new runway. You must install the patch mentioned in the highlighted section above.
Question: Will this be updated to support xplane 12?
Answer: Yes, we will update this for xplane 12. Due to the unknown changes with the new sim, we are unable to estimate how long it will take publish a compatibility update once xplane 12 is released.
Question: I found a bug or issue with the scenery, who do I tell?
Answer: Please send a message on our discord server (linked below)
ZDP Developers: StableSystem, Martini, Imran, awfsiu, TJ
Additional Considerations to the following people
World Imagery (orthophotos)
Esri. "Imagery" [basemap]. Scale Not Given. "World Imagery". January 21, 2021. https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=10df2279f9684e4a9f6a7f08febac2a9. (February 18, 2021).
Please report any bugs on our discord server
Official Zero Dollar Payware Discord
This repository and it's contents are protected under CC BY-NC 4.0
Assets used from other developers was done so with their knowledge and approval.
Download Size: 1.0GB
We don't ask for donations but if you feel so inclined you can do so here
KSDF - Louisville Muhammad Ali International by Zero Dollar Payware v1.1
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Louisville airport is a large public airport located in Louisville in northern Kentucky. It is the largest airport in the state of Kentucky, the third largest cargo airport in the US, and the seventh largest cargo airport in the world. The airport features UPS Worldport and serves as their main hub for worldwide operations. There is a passenger terminal on the north side of the field with 2 concourses, each holding 12 gates. The airport is also host to the Kentucky Air National Guard and has maintenance hangars for both Republic Airways and Compass Airways. In addition there are several GA hangars as well as a FBO operated by Atlantic Aviation.
* Custom taxiways and runways
* Orthophotos
* 3D grass
* Custom buildings
* SAM Jetways, marshallers, and docking systems
* WT3 and AI traffic compatibility
* Accurate to the real airport
* Ongoing development and updates
Required Libraries:
MisterX Library v1.6+
RA Library v1.1+
PP Library v1.2+
SAM Library v1.10+
Installation instructions:
Click the 'Download this file' button on the top right corner of this page
Once you have the file download unzip it and move the folder to your "x-plane 11/Custom Scenery/" folder.
That is it! If you had xplane running when you installed it you'll have to restart it for it to load. If you are not able to get it to load in the sim once you have it installed then check the section below for troubleshooting tips.
X-plane won't load the scenery properly?
There are a variety of things which can cause you to not be able to load this scenery properly.
Check that you unzipped the folder before you moved it to your custom scenery folder. If it is still a .zip file then you need to unzip it or it won't work.
The most likely cause is having missing or out of date libraries. Check the 'Required Libraries' list above to make sure you have everything. Check that if you downloaded any of these libraries a long time ago they you have a new enough version for it to satisfy the requirements, if not then click whichever library you need to update and it will bring you to the page to get the newest version. If you want a easy way to see what library is your issue then find your log.txt in the x-plane 11 folder and scroll down until you see a message with a big box around it and that will tell you where it found the error.
If you rename your libraries to organize your custom scenery folder check your log.txt and make sure it is not having trouble finding your library. This scenery was designed to not care what you name your folder but it is possible if a library changes that it will mess with the file path and cause issues. If this is the case you can fix it by changing the name back or editing the file(s) with problems to include the new file name (note that this may cause issues with other sceneries and we wouldn't recommend doing it).
If the tips above did not help then try reading your log.txt and see if you can spot any errors related to the scenery it is throwing. Check the forum to see if anyone else is having your issue, you are probably not alone. If you really cannot figure it out and don't want to spend the rest of your Saturday troubleshooting (we've all done it and know how much it sucks) just send me a PM with your log.txt and we can work through it so you can get back to flying.
Having performance issues or using an older computer?
This scenery is designed for everyone and as such we have made an effort to optimize it for lower end systems without sacrificing aesthetics or functionality. Even though it is designed to run on lower end machines you might still encounter lag if you have older components or are using other mods which impact frame rates. There are a few improvements you can do to your scenery to further improve performance and tweak it to run the best for your system. See this forum post.
What does the future of this scenery look like?
This airport will be undergoing updates as they are needed. Bug fixes will come as they are reported (so report any bugs you find!). Don't worry if you don't hear anything, there is still development going on at ZDP, just check the discord to get the latest on what is going on behind the scenes.
To keep up to date with future versions of this scenery or other projects by Zero Dollar Payware join the official discord
For use with WT3 it is recommended you download the custom ground routes made by ysfsim
Github repo: https://github.com/kdegonge/KSDF-Louisville/releases
We don't ask for donations but if you feel so inclined you can do so here, all donations go toward buying material for future scenery projects
YBCG - Gold Coast International Airport by Zero Dollar Payware
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Gold Coast Airport is an international airport on the boarder of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.
Prior to 2020, the airport saw approximately 6.48 million domestic and international passengers through its terminal. International destinations included New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea.
- Artistic interpretation of the new south terminal expansion based on architectural renders.
- Apron and gate assignments adapted from 2021 information, with fictitious gates 8, 9 and stand 10 for the south expansion.
- Custom buildings and assets
- SAM jet bridges and marshallers
- Terminal interiors
- Functional AI Taxi Routes (Tested with WT3 only)
Known Bugs
- The Pacific Motorway tunnel under Runway 32 will have clipping artifacts when using the default XP mesh. We recommend generating an Ortho4XP tile to mitigate this issue.
- Report all bugs or issues on our discord channel: https://discord.gg/yp2ghdgWV3
Libraries Required
- MisterX (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/28167-misterx-library-and-static-aircraft-extension/)
- Scenery Animation Manager Suite 1.4.3, with SAM Base File 2.2.9 (https://forum.thresholdx.net/files/file/122-scenery-animation-manager-suite/)
By downloading and unzipping this software, you agree to the terms and conditions set out under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
World Imagery (orthophotos) used with permission from Esri Canada: Esri. "Imagery" [basemap]. Scale Not Given. "World Imagery". January 21, 2021. https://arcg.is/1WGvqa0 (July , 2021).
ZDP Developers: StableSystem, Martini, Sonny_, awfsiu
MisterX for the custom red asphalt curb
KCLL - Easterwood Field by Zero Dollar Payware
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Easterwood Field is the main airport servicing College Station and Bryan, Texas. College Station is home to Texas A&M University (whoop!) and it is a little over 100 miles from Austin and Houston. There are 3 runways although only one (34/16) is typically used. The airport has a small commercial terminal which sees a few regional flights with American and United (using E135/145 aircraft). The airport also has services for general aviation aircraft as well as being the home to several labs for the Texas A&M Aerospace Engineering Department. On the southeast side of the airport is a large fire training area which can be seen on approach to runway 34.
For installation instructions, troubleshooting tips, and contact info, please read the readme.txt included in the scenery files
This scenery has ground routes for WT3, custom orthophotos (credit to USGS) and features reflective ground textures and 3d grass thanks to the fantastic RA library.
MisterX's Library v1.5+
RA Library v1.11+
SAM Library
gitlab repo: https://gitlab.com/StableSystem/kcll---easterwood
We don't ask for donations but if you feel so inclined you can do so here
- college station
- aggies
- (and 1 more)
MDPC - Punta Cana International by Zero Dollar Payware
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Punta Cana International Airport is the busiest airport in the Dominican Republic. Daily it sees dozens of international flights from NA, SA, and Europe. It services aircraft as large as the 747 and is accounts for 60% of the traffic in the D.R. In the past decade the airport has been expanded many times to add a new terminal, new runway, new control tower, and several other amenities. Today it is one of the biggest and busiest airports in the Caribbean. From Punta Cana you can fly a short hop from Miami with a 737 or fly long haul to Europe with the 787 and still follow real flight routes. The airport also has facilities for GA and VIP aircraft.
This airport has several xplane 11 exclusive features and as such it cannot be assured it will work with older versions. It has been developed for, and tested with, xplane 11 only. For installation instructions, troubleshooting tips, and contact info please read the readme included with the download. For the most up to date version of the airport please reference the project's github repo. I update the github repo before anything else so this is the place to look for the most recent updates. Beta versions are only available through github as well, please see the 'releases' page or check the official forum thread.
Some features in this airport include 3d grass for the entire airport, AI taxi routes (fully compatible and tested with WT3), AI vehicle traffic, autogate, normal maps and reflections on most surfaces, and accurate vegetation around the field.
MisterX Library v1.6+
RA Library v1.1+
PP Library v1.2+
SAM Library v1.10+
@ysfsim made some great WT3 routes for the airport with accurate taxi routes and runway operations. If you use WT3 this is a must have addition to the scenery.
github repo: https://github.com/kdegonge/MDPC-Punta-Cana/releases
We don't ask for donations but if you feel so inclined you can do so here
PANC - Anchorage Ted Stevens International by Zero Dollar Payware
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Welcome to Alaska!
Anchorage International (PANC/ANC) is the largest airport in the state of Alaska and serves as the main link to the lower 48 and Canada. It is the 5th busiest cargo airport in the world and the second busiest in North America. It serves as one of the last true tech stops in the world and provides a place to stop and refuel for more than a dozen cargo operators allowing them to fly between North America and Asia. Anchorage is base to more unique operations that perhaps anywhere else in the world. From the Everts MD-80 freighters to the only civilian C130 operator to some of the oldest flying fleets in the world, you can find just about every retro plane you can think of flying out of Anchorage.
This airport has several xplane 11 exclusive features and as such it cannot be assured it will work with older versions. It has been developed for, and tested with, xplane 11 only.
I want to give a huge thanks to Alex Siu for tons of help with modeling and texturing of more than 30 buildings around the airport. I am happy to announce the he will be joining the ZDP team to help work on all of our future projects.
Custom taxiways and runways Orthophotos 3D grass Custom buildings SAM Jetways, marshallers, and docking systems AI ground routes performance optimized Accurate to the real airport Ongoing development and updates
Required Libraries:
MisterX Library v1.61+
SAM Library v2.0+
Installation instructions:
Click the 'Download this file' button on the top right corner of this page, you will be brought to a GitHub page
Find the version you want to download (the first one listed is the most recent one, download that unless you have a specific reason not to)
Click the 'Source code' link listed under the version you want to download. Both the .zip and .tar.gz are the same version of the airport, it is just a different type of file compression used, .zip is fine 99% of the time.
Once you have the file download unzip it and move the folder to your "x-plane 11/Custom Scenery/" folder.
That is it! If you had xplane running when you installed it you'll have to restart it for it to load. If you are not able to get it to load in the sim once you have it installed then check the section below for troubleshooting tips.
Are there static aircraft?
Static aircraft are supported by using the default static aircraft in xplane. To enable this, go to the graphics settings and check the "show parked aircraft" box. The gates are coded properly so you will get the correct aircraft type at them, however due to the limitations of default xplane aircraft you may not get the correct airlines. This scenery is entirely open source so if anyone wants to create a standalone package to add static aircraft using an external library I would be happy to feature it on this post.
X-plane won't load the scenery properly?
There are a variety of things which can cause you to not be able to load this scenery properly.
Check that you unzipped the folder before you moved it to your custom scenery folder. If it is still a .zip file then you need to unzip it or it won't work.
The most likely cause is having missing or out of date libraries. Check the 'Required Libraries' list above to make sure you have everything. Check that if you downloaded any of these libraries a long time ago they you have a new enough version for it to satisfy the requirements, if not then click whichever library you need to update and it will bring you to the page to get the newest version. If you want a easy way to see what library is your issue then find your log.txt in the x-plane 11 folder and scroll down until you see a message with a big box around it and that will tell you where it found the error.
If you rename your libraries to organize your custom scenery folder check your log.txt and make sure it is not having trouble finding your library. This scenery was designed to not care what you name your folder but it is possible if a library changes that it will mess with the file path and cause issues. If this is the case you can fix it by changing the name back or editing the file(s) with problems to include the new file name (note that this may cause issues with other sceneries and we wouldn't recommend doing it).
If the tips above did not help then try reading your log.txt and see if you can spot any errors related to the scenery it is throwing. Check the forum to see if anyone else is having your issue, you are probably not alone. If you really cannot figure it out and don't want to spend the rest of your Saturday troubleshooting (we've all done it and know how much it sucks) just send me a PM with your log.txt and we can work through it so you can get back to flying.
Having performance issues or using an older computer?
This scenery is designed for everyone and as such we have made an effort to optimize it for lower end systems without sacrificing aesthetics or functionality. Even though it is designed to run on lower end machines you might still encounter lag if you have older components or are using other mods which impact frame rates. There are a few improvements you can do to your scenery to further improve performance and tweak it to run the best for your system.
What does the future of this scenery look like?
This airport will be undergoing updates as they are needed. Bug fixes will come as they are reported (so report any bugs you find!). Don't worry if you don't hear anything, there is still development going on at ZDP, just check the discord to get the latest on what is going on behind the scenes. The airport will be getting a high fps variant for lower end machines in the next few days.
*The screenshots shown were taken in a modded simulator, you may notice some minor differences. Mods used include ASXP, SAM seasons, world traffic 3, and a variety of payware aircraft.
I don't need donations but if you feel so inclined you can do so here, all donations go toward buying source material for future scenery projects
EGNR - Hawarden
By StableSystem in Zero Dollar Payware
Welcome to Chester!
EGNR - Hawarden (also known as Chester due to its proximity) is one of the most unique airports in Wales. It is located in the north of Wales, just south of Liverpool. Originally built as a WW2 factory for Avro Lancasters, it is now the home of Airbus Broughton. Airbus uses this facility to manufacture nearly all of its wings for their linup of aircraft, including the A320, A350, and A380. The wings made here are transported across Europe using the Beluga and Beluga ST large cargo aircraft, which operate out of a very unique hangar called the Beluga Line Station (BLS). This scenery brings you the entire airport to a high quality and accuracy, including the BLS and all of the beluga loading areas. The scenery has been designed alongside the iniBuilds Beluga and if fully compatible with the aircraft. With a comparatively short 6700ft runway it is quite a challenging approach for the Beluga, and even more so when approaching runway 04 which only features an offset ILS approach and a steeper-than-usual 3.5° glideslope. Once on the ground it's no walk in the park either. Chester is the tightest airport the beluga operates into, with very narrow taxiways and tight turns. Flying into this airport will be a challenge for any Beluga captain. If the Beluga isn't your thing, Chester is home to several smaller operations, including a private flying school, the North Wales Military Air Service, and National Police Air Service. Although not a commercial airport, there is one regular commercial flight (pre-covid) operated with a BMI ERJ135, refered to as the Filton Shuttle. This flight operates between Chester and Filton, and then on to other Airbus destinations, providing a quick link between the various Airbus facilities in Europe.
For those who prefer to fly online we've included an optional variation which adds a fictional ramp to increase airport capacity. The airport typically cannot handle more than one beluga arrival every 30 minutes, so for online flying we have worked with VATSIM and IVAO to implement this fictional apron area which greatly improves airport capacity. Included in the download (located in the "Scenery Variants" sub folder) is this optional version, along with custom charts made by iniBuilds to allow accurate taxiing and parking.
In addition we have made custom ortho imagery, which includes a custom mesh for the airport. We suggest using this ortho if you are looking for the most accurate runway contour. If you are not using our ortho provided, there is also compatibility with orbx TE, as well as a version of the scenery which is flattened if you choose to use no ortho at all. Optional: Download Ortho and Overlay [2.9GB]
If you haven't gotten it yet, the iniBuilds Beluga is the perfect compliment to this beautifully quirky airport.
Fully custom buildings Custom ground markings with accurate dirt and grunge 3d grass Fully modeled Beluga Line Station (BLS), completely compatible with the iniBuilds Beluga AI traffic network, compaible with WT3 and Traffic Global SAM marshallers and SAM integration with the BLS Optional ortho and mesh Optional fictional version for use with online networks Required Libraries
MisterX Library v1.61+ RA Library SAM v2.0+ Installation Instructions:
Download and move "egnr-hawarden-1.x.x" (and if you are installing the optional ortho, also "yEGNR-Hawarden-Overlay" and "zEGNR-Hawarden-Ortho") folder(s) into your custom scenery folder
Use xOrganizer, or delete your scenery_packs.ini to adjust your scenery load order if using our provided ortho. If you have issues with the scenery loading, most likely your load order is wrong or you are missing the RA library.
How to use the Beluga Line Station (BLS)
Upon landing, taxi to either the the beluga apron (diamond shaped area) or holding point 1 just in front of the BLS. Show down your engines Open the SAM menu and under the "controls" page, open both sets of BLS doors Call Better Pushback and direct it to tow you into the building. Note: there are alignment markers where your main gear goes in the red striped area outside the BLS. Get towed into the BLS and disconnect the tow. Close the BLS doors. You only need to close the ST doors, but you can close both if you want since the fuselage of the ST is smaller than the XL. To leave the BLS, perform the same steps in reverse. Command better pushback to put you on the beluga apron for startup.
Parking Locations
Better Pushback Position
Better Pushback Reference Markers
Scenery Versions
Standard - This is the most realistc version and is the default version installed Standard Flattened - This is the same as standard, except the terrain is flattened. This is helpful if you are not using ortho to avoid floating buildings due to mesh issues. Online Network - This version includes the fictional victor ramp. This ramp adds 10 parking positions for the Beluga and is useful if you are flying on VATSIM/IVAO/etc. with high traffic. The real airport only has enough capcity for 1 beluga arrival every 30 minutes, this apron allows for more aircraft movements. Online Network Flattened - This is the same as the Online Network version, but with the airport terrain flattened for use without ortho or if your mesh is bad. How to change scenery versions
Make sure xplane is closed Go to the "Scenery Variants" folder and open the version you want to install Copy the "Earth nav data" folder into the main EGNR-Hawarden folder. Select "yes" when prompted to overwrite the existing files. Launch xplane Citations/Credits
World Imagery (orthophotos)
Esri. "Imagery" [basemap]. Scale Not Given. "World Imagery". January 21, 2021. https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=10df2279f9684e4a9f6a7f08febac2a9. (February 18, 2021).
MisterX Library
RA Library
SAM Library
ZDP Developers: StableSystem, awfsiu, TJ
Please report any bugs on the Zero Dollar Payware discord or on the official forum thread (linked above)
To conctact us about this repo please send a message on the org
This repository and it's contents are protected under CC BY-NC 4.0 Assets used from other developers was done so with their knowledge and approval.
Gitlab Repository in the event you want to download a older release
Download Size: 1.4GB