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Everything posted by Donald123098

  1. After update, the problem still here
  2. The problem is not because Navigraph, I didn't use Navigraph, it's beacuse VHHH scenery by WF SCENERY STUDIO after my testing, if I install VHHH scenery by WF SCENERY STUDIO the problem will appear, but if I remove it the problem will disappear Does it have any way that I can keep VHHH scenery and the correct waypoint data?
  3. I didn't use Navigraph after my testing, if I install VHHH scenery by WF SCENERY STUDIO the problem will appear, but if I remove it the problem will disappear Does it have any way that I can keep VHHH scenery and the correct waypoint data?
  4. When I departure from Hong Kong Airport via SID: OCEA2A, way point "POPAR" location is totally wrong For the STAR ILS 07L/25R missing too, when selecteing STAR and runway I can't find 07L/25R, NEXT PAGE button is not working And KaiTak VHHX is missing all data Do anyone know how to fix it?
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