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cutchemist42 last won the day on March 27 2023

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  1. The only way I can stop the plane from dying is by keeping the APU running the whole time. Not even sure how to begin troubleshooting it, as it doesnt happen in any videos I watch. (Have about 50 flights in the FBW so pretty used to the A320 by now, as well as about 70 flights between the 300/310)
  2. Thanks for posting. Thought I would followup post and say that it looks like I figured it out. I ended up going into the throttle config txt file like others have done and manually changed the values. It now no longer dies at idle. No clue why the calibration in the EFB was not working but it did the trick.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion but nothing is working. Created whole new profile and did all my throttle setup from a blank state. Only items on the TCA throttle assigned were some buttons for autopilot, and throttle only. (Default setup had items for engine startup, magnetos, and mixture) Still dying and not holding Idle once I move Eng Start back to Ignition Off.
  4. Posting to say Im having a similar issue too. Engines dying once I move the Eng Start off of the starter,
  5. First, I have the A310 and never have this problem, as its my most flown plane in MSFS. I have setup the throttle as its own profile for the A300 and have done the throttle calibration multiple times. The issue seems to be the engines going down to 0 in the Idle position once starter/APU is off. I can keep the engines going with a bit of throttle, but it means I cant bring the plane to Idle when landing as it dies on the rollout. I still have not seen a workaround here, so not sure if anyone else is having this issue?
  6. I would agree with a lot of the updates. I understand cabin sounds being less, but exterior now sounds wimpy. As well, if flying on vatsim with headphones, the altitude callouts are barely noticeable.
  7. So I thought the airplane sounded good up until the SU12 update today. Now it sounds VERY muted, while all of my other planes sound the same. Was that sound change intentionally done?
  8. I tried following the various guides and videos, but I dont know how to troubleshoot it when the file seems to be showing something unique from the suggested fixes for reverse thrust
  9. So I think my issue is unique or different. I dont even have the reverse idle as mentioned above, yet Im using the TCA. How do I troubleshoot this? The calibration is not working for me as well.
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