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bliblobla last won the day on March 17 2023

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  1. Hi, I would like to know if implemented Asobo EFB with their LIDO and FAA charts can be possible on the OIS ?
  2. Hi, Im wondering if we Will have an update for new runway 24R exits (Y, W, V, ...) ?
  3. Hi, the first update was good but with last one hangar is missing again, i tried with empty community, activated all options. maybe you changed something ? 😒
  4. all fine with update.
  5. i tried both, nothing work 😢
  6. hi, my jetblue is missing asobo is uninstall
  7. I think you can just make the jetway working without spawn.
  8. Hi, Can we have an update for gate 38 ? Gate 38 is not appear on map and jetway doesnt work too
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