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Everything posted by Maverick_2000

  1. Whats the problem when you install the 2020 version into 2024? Haven´t tried it yet.
  2. Sorry my fault. Just found out that the digital numbers are for the fuel used during the flight and not for fuel flow. Topic can be deleted!!!
  3. During my flight i noticed that the fuel flow is wrong. The analog instrument isn´t showing the same fuel flow as the digital.
  4. After the update 1.03 the engine sound is completely gone after about 10.000ft. This has also been a problem in the release version. After 1.02 the problem was fixed but unfortunately it is back with 1.03.
  5. Yes, there was nothing in the scratchpad, i cleard the scratchpad. Unfortunately i have no video. After this flight where the problem happened, i have restarted and tried it again. After the restart everything was as it should an i was able to put in restrictions. So maybe it happens only sometimes. I will make a video, the next time the problem happens. Kind regards
  6. The problem is that i get a format error when i press the key right beside a waypoint. I know that there should pop-up a page where i can enter the data. I get a format error every time. Kind regards
  7. I tried to set a altitude restriction during my flight today. Everytime when i press the right button at the waypoint with the restriction, i get a format error message as in the image below.
  8. Hi Inibuilds Team. I think i found an issue with the performance calculation in the EFB of the A300. When i reduce the TORA in the EFB, the FLEX-Temp. stays the same everytime. For excample in OMDB RW-30L 4313m = Flex 58 (Full RW) 2000m = Flex 58
  9. Is there a timeline when we can expect an update for PHNL?
  10. Same problem for me. We need an option to set a deadzone in the efb during calibration.
  11. Here are two screenshots with different weights.
  12. I think something is wrong with the takeoff trim calculation in the EFB. I made several flights with different weights and the calculated trim is always showing 0.0DN. I don´t hink that this is correct.
  13. Doesn´t work for me. Tried to create a new profile only for A300 but doesn´t make any difference unfortunatelly.
  14. I have the same issue, i tried to set the Idle Rev. futher away from Idle, but it doesnt work for me. Everytime i set idle, it jumps a bit into the reversers.
  15. Is there an estimated release date for the full english cockpit?
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