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Everything posted by tinyalien

  1. There is an option to enable chocks and another one on the maintenance page to activate them. Not intuitive. I would prefer to set chocks via parking brake, too.
  2. I think he meant 'hardware' labels on the model. There were none the last time I looked at the switch. Of course there are the tooltip labels. But I set them to off (those would bother me way more than the visible auto pilot module). The position of the switch depends on your perception. If you see the thicker end of the switch as the indicator, then open is left and closed is right. The original plane has multiple tanks that all count as "main" tank. The fuel is automatically distributed between them. I'm not sure how that is simulated.
  3. I wanted to try out the latest update. Then I noticed that problem again. This time I saw it starting. It happend right after starting the engine. And it was a slow process.
  4. Could not reproduce this with v1.0.1, yet.
  5. With version 1.0.0:
  6. After a few hours of flying this beauty I have one thing to complain about: Either right from the start or after some minutes of flight, the turn indicator constantly indicates a max left turn. This happens regularly. I just once had a short flight without this phenomenon. It does not recover. It does not influence the control of the aircraft. I am using a Honeycomb Alpha yoke, if that has anything to do with it.
  7. That's funny. When I found images from the current D-EBEI cockpit (https://www.dlbs.de/de/Die-Flotte/Messerschmitt-ME-108/index.php) I was tempted to ask for a modern cockpit. 😀
  8. I can confirm the constant left roll tendency. Can't say anything about the real plane but that doesn't seem right.
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