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Everything posted by kityatyi

  1. I actually do utilize the independent tablets on the aircraft I fly the most: the Fenix A320, the PMDG 737-800/900 and the Leonardo Maddog. I find it extremely useful to be able to display different stuff. Also, being mirrored is simply unrealistic, and is clearly not done on purpose but is a compromise - done because the devs worry about the FPS impact - which others managed to overcome successfully. To make it at least somewhat realistic, at least allow us to completely hide the F/O tablet, rather than have it mirror the captains. It is just pure ridiculous, I press a button on the captain's tablet and the F/O tablet does the same in sync. Seriously???
  2. Please make the tablets independent, or at least add the option to make them independent. It's so cheap-looking that they work in sync.
  3. It would appear the aircraft is generous when it comes to "cross at" alt constraints: it tends to reach them early and so levels off way ahead of them, or in other words, descends too fast and achieves the constraint altitude too soon, resulting in a level-off.
  4. Impressive series of updates on the A300, ironing out some of the most annoying bugs. Good job, guys! Please consider making the tablets (EFBs) independent. The mirrored solution looks pretty lame and kinda cheap. Also, please consider slowing down the cargo door animations - too fast, too unrealistic. Thank you for your attention!
  5. I can also confirm the issue with the rudder/tiller (also present on the A310). What I find surprising is that beta testing did not pinpoint this and a series of other issues, such as the "aircraft overstressed" flight termination as soon as a door is opened. It appears to be more and more widespread these days that popular YouTubers make a product appear flawless when it is not. Perhaps because of political correctness, they only emphasize the bright side - but this is misleading. YouTubers are not necessarily capable of properly testing a product or identifying issues, regardless of whether they are "real-world pilots" or not. Simply, a more strict quality assurance is needed. But customers are also responsible for this "new norm" because they appear to be accepting anything less than a fully release-ready product. Fanboys appear in Forums to "defend" the developers instead of realising that it is in everyone's interest for the product to be immaculate. Of course, as long as a developer listens and makes every effort to address bugs, there is no need to panic. The problem is when bugs are not fixed even after they are reported several times, which - as an example - appears to be the case with the A310 tiller/rudder, and behold, the same bug is now plaguing the A300. I agree with OP that the product appears to be rushed. Bugs like the ones listed should have been picked up during testing. This cannot be explained away - the only explanation is that either the testers are not suitable for their role or their reports were ignored. I spotted the majority of the issues in the first 15 minutes and I did not even make much of an effort. Customers should demand quality and stop accepting half-baked items.
  6. I think that is exactly what happens.
  7. It's been confirmed in another thread and will be fixed.
  8. Oh no. Indeed. Can confirm it too. Hopefully, both the 300 and the 310 will be fixed, the latter has been suffering from this since its release.
  9. Hi there! 😉 Any chance to implement a dark/night theme for the EFB, which also includes the Navigraph Charts (which natively comes with a dark mode but for some reason this does not appear to work here at the moment)? Happy New Year!
  10. Almost a year has passed. The issue has not been fixed. What a joke.
  11. Yes. The problem is still there... Tells a lot...
  12. This has been reported over 3 months ago and the problem is still very much present. Please fix the nose wheel steering. It keeps re-centring all the time.
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