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Everything posted by Stevedra

  1. Great to hear Weston! You did a fantastic job on the textures and if you built the paintkit....it as well! I'm kicking myself for not learning Substance earlier now that I see how awesome it is for our line of work. 🙂 Thanks for the consideration! Regards, Steve Dra
  2. The only other thing is that some devs put a "patch" in that area to paint in the reg you sometimes see above the cockpit window. Its usually a file with an alpha layer you paint on and it puts to reg there. This is typically done becuase there is a lot of warping in that area. I have not found that on this plane yet...I've had the paint kit a few hours and still going thru all the maps and stuff. Hopefully inbuilds or the painters will chime in and help
  3. I suspect that you based your paint on the inibuilds UPS paint, as it has a rough patch up there that you can clearly see in the COMP map There are a few ways to fix...the easiest is to use the A300_PAX_FUSE_1001_COMP.PNG.DDS file from another paint, not the UPS.
  4. I've been experimenting and will defer to inibuilds for any corrections in my findings. The "inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600-lowtextures" package the installer gives you the option of dropping in the community folder only reduces the size of the base textures....not the textures of the individual liveries, each in their own separate folder. With 8k textures you can quicky overwhelm memory if there are too many and or the file sizes are huge. Now this can vary greatly from paint to paint....I can tell you if you're flying the Emirates paint...its textures are a whopping 732 Megabytes. On the other hand, DHL texture.AHK_LDA is only 357 Megabytes. I took the FedEx paint and reduced the 8k maps to 4k that were 64mbs each and the folder size now a respectable 231 Megabytes. Here is a comparison of the 2 folders, with my new, smaller FedEx on the right and Emirates 8k. Look at all those 65 mb files! I have noticed that performance is better (7800X3D, RTX 4070ti)...and if you're wondering about quality loss... 8k on UPS... My 4k FedEx 4k still gives you incredible resolution, and unless you're flying with your nose touching the skin of the aircraft, the details look fine (incredible in fact) at a normal viewing distance. Results can vary widely from paint to paint...actually depending on the colorization of the actual pixels. This is because the DDS compression algorithm groups pixels with the same color and assigns them a code to render all those pixels when it sees that code...vs reading each pixel individually. So...even though an all-white livery has the same amount of pixels as a lavishly painted one, it will render faster because there are fewer unique colors to assign codes to overall. Even though the file size of both will be exactly the same...they will render in the game at different rates. This brings us to the natural conclusion that even though 8k textures are phenomenal to look at... 4k will get you better performance with a good trade off in quality loss (in my opinion). Now, since I'm a painter I can easily change the maps from 8k to 4k, I can not... of course distribute them, so don't even ask. 😉 They are the painter's/inibuilds property and the EULA states that I can't redistribute. I'm hoping for the community, that inibuilds will ask the painters to create 4k versions, much like another popular Airbus company did with great success. 🙂 Overall..this plane is OUTSTANDING...the texture work is next level, and I'm blown away with the results!
  5. Greetings! First of all....just an outstanding paintkit for the A300! Very detailed and easy to use. (for experienced painters, hehe) I'm just getting into Substance but it is almost required to have a 3d painting app these days. 🙂 Anyway, I'm not very familiar with blender but know you can export an FBX file of the model then utilize it Substance. Looking at the incredible detail in the COMP maps, I'm pretty sure they were rendered in Substance and exported to the 2D maps. I've got the bulk of the work done in Photoshop for the 1st paint I'm trying, but know there are some pretty tricky curves under the nose and by the tail...and doing these parts in Substance would make painting the plane 100s of times easier. Please let me know if there is a possibility of getting a SPP file to work with...I really want to paint a few for the community. 🙂 Thanks, Steve Dra
  6. Checked in the forum and confirmed I've already disabled EGGL content from MSFS/Aaobo, still seeing the lines. I also have Zinertec enhanced runway markings package. I removed it from the Community folder, still seeing dual lines. Any other packages I might have that are causing the issue? I do not have any freeware EGLL items installed Thanks Steve Dra
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