I will try this again, upping the flex temperature maybe. Quite certain I don’t have any button assigned from mixture et cetera on the yoke. Certainly didn’t assign one myself.
Certainly didn’t assign one myself.
On two occasions now, the engines cut out immediately after take-off. In both cases, I took off from PANC on RWY 33. Flex temperature set to zero. Engine anti-ice set to on. Nav and profile armed. Not sure what is going on here, what did I miss? Did anyone else have this happen to them?
(Slats/Flaps set to 15/15, trim set as well, still very sluggish to raise the nose though)
Hello, late reply from me again, apologies!
Tried to run it with Photogrammetry turned off, but still, same problem.
Adding to this, just wanted to show a comparison with other airports, which load and display fine.
Also, not sure if relevant, but noticed this in the debug window
Adding further, this is the only airport this 'not-loading' completely is happening to me, and I have by now dozens and dozens or airports, often way more expansive, purchased.
Yes, I was hoping that @iniBuilds would have an idea as to where to look, what might be the culprit.
In any case, I deleted everything form the community folder for the moment...