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  1. For me as well when I enable auto time compression up to 4x it goes to that speed, but wings start rocking uncontrollably left and right to 30 ° of bank each side And I use time compression up to 4x on PMDG 777, 737 and default 787 So I can't accept the answer "it depends to your PC performance", because I can understand a performance degradation, but not this abnormal banking. I can't be in front of my PC for 6 hours or more, so without a time compression this aicraft is unusable for lonhaul flights.
  2. Hi, with v1.0.1 installed I still have spikes, same situation of mwa05. I really love your Queenstown scenery, I don't want to come back to the default Asobo version, but those spikes really prevent to enjoy it 😢
  3. Negative I gave it a try with LOD at 255, and the very first time the spikes disappeared. But then, when I made a RNAV approach to runway 23, here we go again! This time, even with LOD 400 (!) nothing changes
  4. Exactly, same situation described by mwa05
  5. Same here I deleted the Rolling Cache, but the spikes are still there
  6. Nimic

    (too) Bad fps

    I'm not doing NOTHING with my A310, because it's simply impossible to use The fact that you have an identical situation, and me and other people we are experiencing a loss of more then 10 FPS (!!!) it's the proof that there is something wrong with this aircraft, and it's not simply optimization or PC specs I have a GeForce RTX 3070Ti and Intel Core i7-11700k, and i get this
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