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  1. Same here in MSFS 2020. I can't avoid stutters on final on heavy airports (i.e. payware sceneries, like Inibuilds EGLL...). My rig : Intel Ultra 7 265 KF and RTX 4060 TI, which should be OK to fly an add-on like the A350. All settings on high and not ultra. Inibuilds has to concentrate on performance for the next update. Remember the price we paid for this add-on please.
  2. Same here (MSFS 2020).
  3. That's what I noticed. Thanks.
  4. Are these announcements only for the 2024 version (with cabin) ?
  5. By default, 24 000 kg of fuel are loaded in the plane on cold and dark, that's why GSX cannot load the plane according to the Simbrief loadsheet if you planned less. An option allows then to load the Simbrief amount of fuel and then the GSX OIS menu is closing. But you have to click on the fuel button to load the plane correctly. Of course, I think this default amount of fuel may be changed somewhere, to get only 10 000 kg on C&D for example. But for long flights, it would take a long time to refuel the plane. 24 000 kg is probably the best compromise... Same thing for the passengers boarding : it takes 10 mn for GSX to board about 150 pax and I think that's why the boarding sequence is achieved before the total of passengers is reached, if their number exceeds 150 or so. Once the boarding is completed, I click on the pax tab and I get the correct figure. Perhaps it would useful to add something on GSX integration in the FAQ's page.
  6. After last update, Navigraph charts are available in the MSFS 2020 version.
  7. As said in the title : just installed the update, CTD when loading the plane... (MSFS 2020 version). Edit : I reload the sim and choose another livery. It works fine and I noticed that Navigraph charts are now visible in the OIS. Thanks. Perhaps some liveries (I'm using an Aair France one) have to be updated again. Edit 2 : after loading the plane with the Inibuilds stock livery, I reloaded the plane with an Air France one, and all worked fine. Did not know what caused these CTDs...
  8. I noticed that when the beacon light is set to ON, the GPU is automatically removed and if the APU is off, the OIS turns black (even if the option manual GPU removal is selected in the menu). To call back the GPU, you have to switch on the OIS view offside button to get the OIS menu back again (MSFS 2020 version).
  9. I followed these instructions for the Honeycomb Bravo, and it works very well.
  10. Hello, After all, thanks a lot to the Inibuilds team for having offered this wonderful aircraft to the MSFS community. I published a SpadNext profile for the Honeycomb Bravo (lights and AP buttons). For all people using this add-on, the snippet is available online into the application. But I did not succeed to map the fuel low pressure annunciator correctly. I found a variable that allows the annunciator to light on, but it does not light off when the engines are running. Which variable may I use for this annunciator coming off ? Thanks for your answer; Daniel.
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