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  1. You have to be fully established on the loc/gs i.e not 10 dme out but closer to airport,I was adding AP 2 too soon ,this fixed it .
  2. XBOX X Thanks for your help,I set trim using the in cockpit trim wheel and now add .3 up above the EFB calculation and still it is well out ,immediately after take off I have to put lots of Hotas one joystick trim UP in just to keep it climbing at a reasonable rate.Where do I find the A310 pitch trim data?.I have done the video tutorials.
  3. Yes I am having the same problem with Xbox and Hotas One.I set the correct weights / trim as per the EFB ,insert correct V speeds,Rotate at correct speed ,but always need to pull Fully back on stick and hold it there to lift off.Works correctly with all other aircraft.
  4. XBOX X The Wind Buffeting sound in the cockpit that others have mentioned is overdone and overpowering in my opinion.At Altitude with 90-100% power it is at its worst ,if I reduce power but maintain the same airspeed by slightly descending the excessive popping almost disappears ,so it appears to be connected to the engine power setting .I have modified all the sound settings in MSFS to try to eliminate it,but the only thing that works is to switch to Mono within MSFS ,which is not ideal.Maybe it is an Xbox issue only?
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