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  1. Thanks, but where to find the Flight interface settings? Sorry - Found it under Assistance Options>User Experience. It works - thanks a lot
  2. Hi, I have a peculiar problem when using the A350 (both 900 and 1000 variants). When spawned at a gate - no matter where - and when airborne, I get some moving lines/streaks (could look somewhat like 3D Thermals, but that option is turned off). See attached pictures. When at the gate these will disappear after a while, but whenever moving - pushback, taxi, airborne - they are constantly present, and are very annoying. I'm running Windows 11, 24H2, OS build 26100.3194 using an i9-9900K cpu, RTX 4070 Ti Super (latest drivers 572.60) and 64G of memory. My settings include use of DLSS 4 with nvngx_dlss.dll version 310.2.1.0. Haven't tried MSFS 2024 since I prefer to wait until final release of SU1. rgds Søren
  3. I posted the following on the discord channel yesterday: Well, finally got the separate tiller axes to work. Apart from the A300 I also have the A310 (basic and enhanced addon) installed, so I deleted both the A310 entries from the OneStore folder (C:\Users<user name>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore on my PC) and started MSFS. During startup, MSFS reinstalls the A310 Basic addon as it's part of the MSFS package. And now, without the A310 Enhanced Addon installed, my tiller bound through the NOSE WHEEL STEERING axes is working. rgds Søren
  4. Swolski96


    Is it possible to enter waypoints in the FMC as PLACE/BEARING/DISTANCE ? rgds Søren
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