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  1. Trim is a function of CG, not weight. The CG in your (2) examples is only a 0.1% difference.
  2. Guenseli has posted his Streamdeck profile: iniBuilds A300 StreamDeck XL & PLUS profile & AAO Scripts for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
  3. I just use the MSFS ELEV_TRIM_DN and ELEV_TRIM_UP variables. I don't use "Key Up" only "Key Down"
  4. AAO saves them to a spreadsheet after scanning automatically. Stores them here as csv's: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\LORBY_SI\LorbyAxisAndOhsMSFS
  5. Axis and Ohs "Read Lvars from sim", then I filtered the excel on "INI" and copied to a separate spreadsheet. Then I can use "Watch simulator variable" to see what data they provide as I build out a Streamdeck profile.
  6. Here is a spreadsheet of the INI Lvars. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3r2iqrk91jb4putbk6krd/LVARS_A300.xlsx?rlkey=0jdhcqesmi5iucr33s46c0rkn&dl=0
  7. This is a great resource: Plane Airbus A300-A310 (smartcockpit.com)
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