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Everything posted by doczz

  1. doczz

    ATC Problems

  2. doczz

    ATC Problems

    ...same problem for me as Sirraj has! ATC works normal in every other airplane, only the (apart from this problem wonderfull!!!) A310 has the "stutter problem: you choose "ATIS"... and the stuttering begins... the you choose "clearance delivery"... and during your ask for clearance, the controller is already done with his answer (you hear your own question and simultaneously the clearing answer) and at the end of your question the controller already asks you, if you didn't understand. The ATC contacts to the other airplanes are only "brokenly" to hear... sometimes I think, the ATC- simulation in the A310 is "to fast"... but I don't know if there is a possibility in programming to modify this... I hope that you cand solve the problem... without ATC the immersion of MSFS is not so good... thx for your help! Henning
  3. Hi, thx for your answer! Today new try, checklists as everytime. Normal start, normal autopilot flight. LNAV auto, VS "by hand" 1500ft/min. Normal pressure on the hydraulics display. 23min after departure:"beep beep beep"- alarm: yellow system out. "out" and "on" pressed, yaw damper on again: normal flight till the approach and landing. May be my fault is to use the electric hydraulic pumps and both PTU's? all three green lamps "on" like I know it from the XPlane-11 A320...thx for your help!
  4. I´ve a problem: after normal cockpit preparation, taxi and start the A310 always "looses" the yellow hydraulic system (and the Autopilot, too...). Sometimes I can restart the system by clicking it "off" an than "on" again... sometimes not. In MSFS options no failures are active... where is my fault?
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