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  1. Can confirm this, I was at FL390 with traffic at FL400, TCAS showed they were +24.
  2. Yep had same issue on this! Surely you can get bigger rings in the real aircraft with ETOPS. I think the smaller buses can only do rings up to 256nm
  3. Current work around is ensure your simbrief plan is loaded into the inibuild manager, and exported. I was crashing MSFS every time I loaded NZAA/YBBN, but was ok with all the other airport combos. At the time my simbrief flight plan was NZAA/YBBN, but it wasn’t loaded into the inibuild manager. It will crash MSFS with whichever airport combo you have in simbrief. The current simbrief import doesn’t work for me, stuck on pending when I have my username in.
  4. Hi all Had similar issues - the bindings for the A310 work if you use the throttle axis as “Throttle 0-100%” If you have the Fenix A320 the throttle axis is “Throttle”. It doesn’t work when you have set up it as “Throttle” axis, so save different binding profiles and change it to the “Throttle 0-100%” axis is the way to go here… Cheers, Chen
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