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Nikolaj Delaney

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  1. wanted to do an overnight flight so I set up a hold at the end of the route shortly after takeoff. The climbout was done at Vo and managed speed switched itself to 230kt. After removing the hold it came back to normal. Setting up the hold in cruise did not have the same effect, aircraft sped remained correct. To reproduce: place a hold in FPL during TO/Climb phase
  2. See screenshot and title. Hope this gets added/fixed asap
  3. done multiple flights now, on none of them these callouts were issued. Excessive rate was not a factor. This was specifically among the features promised in the development FAQ.
  4. see screenshot. FLAPS2 points is being generated correctly, but FLAPS 1 is missing
  5. see screenshot. ECAM shows AUTO and also MAN... When showing specifically PRESS Page it switches to MAN correctly. Credit where credit is due, the erratic behaviour I reported earlier seems to be solved.
  6. some way how to enable the plane to function with FSUIPC autosaves would be ideal
  7. Thanks for the feedback, just note this happened on about 1,5 hour flight LFBO-EDDM. Not exactly a long haul.
  8. I don't have an issue connecting though - I manage to get connection to Navigraph just fine. Just in A350 the connection bugs out. Does not happen in any other addon.
  9. update - in case there is amber message, ATC COM page displays "check FMS message" at the top. ATC COM message only displays message D-ATIS received all other messages are inhibited on ATC COM page but present on any other page both on ground or in cruise. As mentioned not clear if this is a bug or feature.
  10. note this is not a new failure, it was present spontaneously in previous versions too.
  11. As per title. Mid flight when setting up for descent ARPT NAV disappears. However, Enroute map and terml charts are still available in OIS. The OIS generates new QR codes to connect but it is impossible to connect, it does not do anything.
  12. see screenshots Situation A: all systems NORM, PRESS page shows tiny partial opening of exhaust vents, but in reality they are full open outwards. Situation B: Manually selected DITCHING - the vents cycle inwards and close. Below screenshot of how I think they should open in flight due to drag etc - the animation is there.
  13. se screenshot. It would be nice if it could calculate the SHIFT when manually entering TORA and the other values should update too.
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