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Everything posted by DizzyG3015

  1. because a basic law of human behaviour and social interaction is that not only the said things count as a matter of fact but also how you say it and if you stay respectful. I am sure you are an adult so it is sad I actually have to explain that. I even dm‘d inibuilds a while back about the wings and sharklets, what is wrong with them, how it should be and provided meaningful pictures. But at all times was I kind and respectful of their work. Whether they will improve it - maybe. But I would strongly advise you to take a deep breath and calm down. Your way of behaviour is not going to achieve anything here, I can promise you that.
  2. I agree that it is obvious the modelling is subpar in a lot of ways. Wings, especially flaps and sharklets. But I also agree that the pictures are 1) too many and 2) not expressive. Plus you should really check your way of speaking to others on the internet. Being this angry and salty is not helping anyone. And if you really cared that much you would have found out that there are already multiple threads on that topic. No need to open a new one
  3. Absolutely. This was known from the beginning, so end of November. Sad they could not fix it in all this time
  4. Longer term sounds like msfs2024 at the earliest
  5. I would not expect it anytime before well into msfs2024
  6. I dont think the model is going to change ever, they do not seem to give it that much attention. It is freeware so somewhat understandable. But I also can not look at it honestly. The wings, sharklets and flaps look like dogshit. But it is better overall than the asobo one in terms of systems so xbox players hopefully like it.
  7. I do not own the a300 and I do not know a lot about the real life a300 but judging from the a320neo and the a310 I would say it is absolutely possible you are right. The a310 wings look ok, but the wingtip fences are quite flawed. Worst for me are the 320neo sharklets. They butchered them, they do not look good and accurate at all. I can accept that because both are freeware. But to hear this about the 300 worries me. They better not massacre the beautiful 380 and 350 wings.
  8. good that it works for you but what makes you think your sample size is representative? people had problems and the targeted stability was well under 90% which does not get it the certification it needs to release to public. From my understanding the aircraft will NOT be available in SU14 and instead will be delayed for weeks/months.
  9. 1. the Irs page is...plain 2.crew oxygen should be off on cold and dark starts. 3. Terrain on ND? 4. the flybywire appears to be very sensitive on banking 5. something is horribly wrong about how extended flaps look throughout 1-full. 6. efb pushback is broken. 7. horrible performance on approach, I play on a rtx4090 with 64GB ram and a 7950x3d, never had anything like this even in the old fenix. It freezes for 1 second every 7 seconds or so. 8. world map flight plan integration, unimportant for me but it is for xbox users for sure 9. sharklets: better than asobos for sure, sharklets are too bulky though, inaccurate curve at the transition between the bottom of the sharklet and the wing; it just looks too "round" and they should be angled backwards more. 10. Engines seem to almost scratch the ground, there is something wrong I do not know what it is they are either too big or "hanging" too low 11.Overall the textures are very detailed and sharp. 12. Sounds in cockpit are very flat and thin, same goes for fwd of the cabin, at the aft of the cabin however sounds are very aggressive even in idle. 13. I like that the windows are modeled even without a cabin so that raindrops appear for example.
  10. They are somewhat noticeably inaccurate to the real aircraft. hard to explain in words but the proportions do not really add up. The upper part above the wing pointing to the rear is almost identical in length to the bottom part pointing straight vertically on the real aircraft. On the sim model it is a lot shorter kind of distorting the look of the whole wingtip, making the bottom part seem so big while the top part seems very small. I think that is simply because the upper part needs to be longer, so does the strobe light "pipe". Nitpicking, I know, but that is why I put it in the suggestions
  11. i like to play with drone camera for some screenshots or "virtual plane spotting" however the a310 is not fun for this at night because it is basically completely dark. You can only see the landing lights slightly, beacon and strobes are completely dark as soon as you zoom away just a little. I think this can be done a lot better, as pmdg, fbw, fenix...
  12. Well this plane is pretty much useless for me, landing lights and flaps completely broken in replays with Flight recorder. I would not have a problem with setting landing gear, flaps, throttle and lights manually for recorded Flights but not even that works. landing lights and flaps switches keep turning on and off permanently, I can not even do anything about it. I know this can also happen for the pmdg 737 and fwb 320 but when it comes to them I am at least able to manually set the switches, levers without a problem. Does anybody know if another replay tool works better?
  13. uhh how? I dont see it
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