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  1. Setting up Honeycomb Bravo annunciators for A350-900 and A350-1000 : Low Oil Pressure Low Fuel Pressure Low Hyd Pressure What are the minimum and maximum 'normal operating' values? Are these values the same for both aircraft variants? Possible a question for developer but welcome advice from anyone who knows please
  2. You're supposed to clear the WASM folder after installing the update and a new folder is automatically regenerated when the aircraft is reloaded
  3. I was looking for something else but saw this post and so taking a few minutes to help ... I have previously entered into discussions with inbuilds and the scenery developer only to discover there is an unresolved problem with the inibuilds installer which affects all of the Pilot Experience Sim (PES) titles... At the end of the day, I was advised the only solution is to install PES titles via their own installer and be aware, the inibuilds installer will still indicate the title has not been installed. To be completely honest, I own a few PES titles and find their installation overly-complicated to the point that I will think carefully before purchasing any more of their products
  4. Similar issue here ... ticket (26630) 06/12/23, awaiting reply - iniManager (2.3.0) The following sceneries have been installed for a few months ... no probs ... always show up in the iniManger Win 10 desktop App as 'Installed'. Origiami EGKK, iniBuilds LEIB, iniBuilds EGLL and iniBuilds EGSS However, recently purchased Pilot Experience Sim LFMT and installed in accordance with specific instructions ... (did not uncheck tick box)... initially, shows up in the App as 'Installed' although, note, this confirmation appears as soon as the zip file is downloaded to a temporary location and not as a result of actually being installed to the community folder. After hitting 'Finish' in the installer, I checked the community folder to confirm the scenery file is present indicating the installation was successful. After closing and reopening the iniManager desktop App, LFMT once again says, 'Install'.... I say, once again, because I have tried several things which includes: Uninstalling / Reinstalling LFMT (several times) Deleting iniManager folders in AppData/Roaming and AppData/Local and reinstalling the Manager
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