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  1. Just wondering if there is any chance of this A332 and its variants being made available for purchase for MSFS2020? If not, would this aircraft work in FS2020 if I purchase FS2024? I'm not ready to make the jump to FS2024 yet as I have a stable FS2020. MANY THANKS.
  2. JKelly

    no ATC voices

    Same problem here with the A300-600F, I can hear my atc transmissions and see the return atc transcripts but I can't hear them or other aircrafts atc sound. I have the latest updates installed.
  3. JKelly

    Cabin Lights

    Hi, just done my first complete flight from EDDM-LHBP in the DLH A300 at night. But the cabin lights when viewed from outside were dark for the whole flight. Is there a way to turn them on?
    Nice repaint, but shouldn't the Easyjet logo be on both engines?
  4. Hi, Sorry for the slow reply but I have only just been able to try out your recommendations. Unfortunately 7Zip did not appear to work either, however WinRAR worked and I have now managed to manually install the First Choice repaint into the sim and loaded the aircraft up for a flight.🙂 Many thanks for all your help.
  5. Hi, First off I want to say that I really appreciate your textures and the work you guys put into this. The First Choice Aerosoft A320 was released a week ago on your site and I have downloaded it a few times and although when downloaded the zip file states that it is approximately 41mb, I get a pop up error stating that the file is empty! I have tried extracting the file manually and installing it through the Aerosoft livery installer, which causes the installer to crash. I have the same problem with the Spanair file which was released at the same time. Am I missing something? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers.
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