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  1. I really hope you guys can find the problem, is unflyable for me; just some numbers, A310, Flytampa YSSY no traffic (FSLTL) 25 fps - Pmdg same scenario 40 fps - Traffic on A310, 15-19 fps - Pmdg 32-37 fps, yes you can argue that I can fly with no traffic and 25 fps but that's not the expected performance with my hardware nor the way I want to fly and also, that's not the result that I'm having with any other aircraft on the Sim, if not resolved I doubt that I'll be getting the future A300
  2. eltesso

    (too) Bad fps

    It seems like it the fix for this problem didn’t make it on the first beta, any news on when can we expect to be fixed? Seems really unfair that we can’t enjoy this beautiful aircraft with the great performance that everyone else has… https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/beta-update-1-29-29-0-nov-17th-2022/558006?fbclid=IwAR2OGNogvMyN1GDJUldlz2GJFcIOvgoc2YWHT98lzHvx9zoc_QbmG3woaXs
  3. I'd buy whatever you guys come up with! I have the A300 and the Beluga on Xp11, and the quality of this MSFS A310 is incredible!! (even with my bad fps after the WASM not compiling correctly which should be corrected ofc) so, the A310 Cargo, mrtt, executive and of course the whole line for the A300 maybe later the Beluga, just bring it on! I know that you guys will make some money there!
  4. eltesso

    (too) Bad fps

    Same problem here, reinstalled a couple of times and same result, KLAX (ini) no traffic 10-15 fps with the A310, PMDG 25-30, Fenix 22-26 I7-12700, EVGA 3080Ti, 32 Gb Ram
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