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Everything posted by w6kd

  1. Now that we have a cargo bird capable of long flights, it would be very much appreciated if you'd remove the block on fuel loading with engines running in the EFB so that we can change the fuel load inflight--it's a common technique to takeoff heavy, then after reaching cruise, teleport the jet to a point closer to the destination and then reset the fuel load to what would be appropriate at that point in the flight.
  2. When flying in accelerated flight, the fuel consumption remains at the unaccelerated (1X) rate.
  3. It's taking an excruciatingly long ~25 sec from gear handle up to doors closed--from watching YouTube videos of A300s taking off, the gear cycle time looks to be more like 6-8 sec.
  4. I have not been able to duplicate the A/T stuck issue. Is there a way to change the profile speeds in the FMS? The default profile climb is setting a target of 325KIAS, where the manuals show 300/0.78 as the standard climb. A climb with a manual 300/0.78 speed schedule produces better climb performance.
  5. Disabled. SImple test flight, KMEM PXV KIND in the route. Once airborne, in the FPLN page I clicked on LSK 6L (KIND), selected STAR, then CLANG7 arrival and ROD as the entry point. As soon as I clicked on ROD, the left CDU went blank, and after ~45 sec, everything went completely haywire--plane oscillated rapidly and wildly left to right and in seconds was thrashing about on the ground.
  6. With a relatively light takeoff gross weight of 284,000 lbs, I'm seeing a super-anemic climb rate of ~700-800 fpm climbing through the high 20s. Climb performance is largely a function of thrust-to-weight ratio. A full-loaded 747-400 at 875,000 lbs with four of the same CF6 engines has a thrust-to-weight ratio of 0.26, and can climb at 2000-3000 fpm in the 20s. Compare that to a 280,000 lb A300-600F with a whopping thrust to weight ratio of 0.43--the A300 should be able to hold well over 3000 fpm in this altitude range. Something is way off in the FD thrust curves. Also, the A/T stayed stuck in TOGA power no matter what was set in the TRP--it showed climb mode, and a target of 101.4% N1, and the throttles remained firewalled at 104.2%.
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