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  1. any help with friend is also suffering from this one day its fine next day its back to this again
  2. I have the market place Shoreham i reported this months ago then it cleared up but now its back and i cant get rid of it i thought initially it was the cgl bug but ive removed all other 3rd party airports https://gyazo.com/f033b40c4b6dfc99e6ca87253896e163
  3. I'm pretty sure there used to be parking spots at the maintenance area at Heathrow Airport ( EGLL) but yesterday i noticed there were none would it be possible to add some please so we can tow planes over to the stands from maintenance or similar
  4. Any chance we can have some parking spots in the maintenance area i'm sure there used to be some and the asobo hand crafted one certainly does
  5. It is odd i'm currently using Orbx one ( i had already) which is fine i will try deleting scenery indexes etc . What is weird though it has happened to a friend at exactly the same time and he has very few addons. will report back
  6. Within last few days CGL/groundbase has stopped working at Shoreham. it has also happened to a friend ( we both bought from the market place) we have had this airport for years with no issues. I am aware of a CGL bug but ive always kept my addons finely balanced to stop this happening, also removing all other addons and changing package reordering has no effect
  7. Guess what just purchased heathrow and ILS 09 DOESNT WORK i have followed all the steps listed previously i have tried in a variety of aircraft .. i suggest the developers fix this asap
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