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Everything posted by Erik

  1. What you can do is rename the Community folder to CommunityX and let MSFS create a new one. Install KLAX and see if it is OK. If so then you have a conflicting add-on. If not OK you should look further, maybe you have installed add-ons via the Marketplace as well?
  2. Hi! I got the scenery via iniBuilds itself and after installation there is the following folder ...\Community\inibuilds-airport-egss-london\Official GSX Profile It contains the file egss-iniBuilds.cfg
  3. @iniBuildsThanks! I also hope you will also check the parking spots so the default stairs can be used. The stands can be named gate, but the type should be changed from gate small to ramp_ga large for non jetway parkings.
  4. Erik


    Hmm, when I bought the airport VDGS was on the feature list, without naming GSX is required. When I look now I see this is removed. This is a bit misleading to me 😞 So I hope you reconsider adding VDGS by default.
  5. Today I did a landing in to KBUF and noticed the ILS has an off-set in the course as you can see on the picture below. The ILS works, but the course has an off-set...
  6. Hi, I am a bit dissapointed that the scenery was completely developed with GSX in mind... If you don't have GSX you are missing ground vehicles en VDGS which was previously perfectly covered with Nool.aero... I hope you guys reconsider, or make GSX optional using a config screen...
  7. Erik


    Hi iniBuilds, which tool do I need to install to use the VDGS system? Is it FSDT's one? If so, can I install a free version of that?
  8. Maybe to add on that. It is strange easyJet/Jet2 parks there, should be mostly cargo there? Which parking codes did you use? Only EZY or also EJU and EZS?
  9. Hello iniBuilds, just made it into the new Stansted. I was instructed to gate 5. After parking the plane the is no option 'Ramp connection' (= stairs). If I look at the world map I see the parking is defined as 'Gate small'. But then MSFS thinks there is a jetway, leaving the ramp connection out. For every gate/parking without jetway you should use RAMP_GA Large. Can you please fix this in an update? Thanks!
  10. I just landed at EGLL and ATC instructed me to gate 515. The VDGS at that gate is not active. If I look in the config folder of NOOL I see 515 is missing there as well. As a result it is not usable in MSFS. Can you please add this gate in an update?
  11. Maybe 1 spot can be enlarged + ground services? No need to do them all...
  12. Not entirely true. A320 lands there as well:
  13. I just got Chios island and use the A320neo. I think the size of the parking spots is too small, because no ground services (stairs/ramp connection, baggage, catering) are available. Can you please add them in an update?
  14. Wow! Another must have and great job you are doing on those mega hubs! Any chance for Schiphol (EHAM) (I know another dev has it in the works)?
  15. I am wondering if Alermia is coming back soon in the shop? I believed they have released an updated version? Or did you stop the collaboration entirely?
  16. @Ubaid Two questions regarding LAX: - How is the performance of the airport compared to the default one? - Are airline codes included for AI?
  17. Thanks!
  18. Hi Sam, any news?
  19. Hi Sam, no LatinVFR stuff is installed. I also disabled the 'standard' version of EGLL by Asobo.
  20. Just a heads up that I am experiencing the same issue in v2 (Marketplace version).
  21. Thanks Sam!
  22. Currently the version is 1.22 but it will receive the 2.0 update as well (at least I hope so)... Please note that update pace at Marketplace is slower due to the fact MS/Asobo do some extra checks.
  23. Other parts affected as well. I have uninstalled the ASOBO EGLL version by the way. It seems the sim generates water in shadow areas here.
  24. Hi iniScene team, Just got EGLL via Marketplace and noticed that there is a part of the area flooded near runway 09L. I know there is some water there IRL, but this does not look good. Is this something you can please address in the upcoming v2 update? Thanks!
  25. Hi all, with the upcoming patch for EGLL I trust the scenery will be good and consider purchasing. I see a nice sale at the Marketplace right now, but I cannot see which version is on Marketplace? Is it 1.22?
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