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Everything posted by ErikSchlijper

  1. When planning the DNERO.ANJLL4 star into KLAX I get incorrect ALT in the FMS (see screenshot). Crz alt is FL410, alt constraints are not being respected it seems.
  2. Further testing done, only with the A320v2 I recieve "Limited on MainThread" warnings. About 30-35fps, with (default) A320Neo (v1) I get green numbers and 80+fps
  3. Hi, thanks for your reply! I tried the suggestions. I get limited on the MainThread it looks like. While other aircraft run fine, TLOD and OLOD are on minimal settings. Traffic turned off
  4. Same issue here and with other users. An inibuilds admin, Josh, posted this in a discord treat about it: "We will be looking at this. The curious part is that this package has been validated to run within parameters on an Xbox Series S. That console has *combined* 8 GB of RAM. Additionally, we did not have performance complaints during any of our testing cycle, outside of (expectedly) the first build or so as optimisations were made. This is not to try and push the issue under the rug, I'm not denying it exists. I'm just trying to provide some context that from our side, there was no issue to address in the first place. There *has* to be some common factor, but trying to find those has historically been next to impossible, but we welcome any and all feedback"
  5. When I load in the A320v2 and MSFS displays the airport and the Ready to Fly button i get and when I hit the button and jump into the cockpit I get . SU15, cleared rolling and shader caches. Using Enhancment pack from marketplace. 3rd party livery or default makes no difference
  6. I think the best you can do is to open a separate topic on your issue. As it is not relatable to this topic, bad FPS.
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