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  1. +1 , cant use the A35K , tried multiple times, each time i had a wasm crash.
  2. Hello Gentleman, First of all thank you for your effort, it really is a great piece of software. Taking it for its first spin i did have a problem that required the flight to be ended, as I was in CRZ at FL410 the aircraft froze at its current position, 0.4nm from TO waypoint, I could change views and cycle through them but no button actually did anything in the flight deck, when viewing from outside camera the aircraft kept moving normally… Info is as follows: KLAX-KDTW N569DZ, plane froze at the 00:54 mark. Any ideas? Best regards, Daniel
  3. Hello Gentlemen, I was wondering why is there such a lack of liveries both here and in flightsim.to for example for the A330 aircraft in MSFS24, usually after a couple of days after release there are a lot of liveries but its not the case here.. Is there any other place where we can get some other liveries? Best regards, Daniel
  4. Good afternoon gentleman, I wanted to ask about the A330 lineup available, i just installed MSFS2024 but can only see in the aircraft list the A330 P2F and the Beluga, no 300 pax or 200 versions anywhere, any ideas? best regards, Daniel
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