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Everything posted by dbw

  1. I'm in Canada. I just wish to confirm you do not charge me your VAT on purchases I will make. I just was going through the purchase of an item and it showed that a tax somewhere in the area of 20% was being collected by your store. Please clarify. Thanks.
  2. dbw


    Just installed KEGE for XP12 and nothing is there. I'm missing something but have no idea what. Any assistance would be great. thanks.
  3. dbw


    Have these problems mentioned in previous posts here been solved? I'm interested in this scenery but i sure would like to know the developer has rectified them.
  4. Greetings. Where can I find operating instructions for this in writing? This is so much quicker than identifying which video to watch again....especially when doing a flight. I can figure most of it out it seems but other things are like throwing darts at the wall and hoping to hit the right square. Thank you. Dave
  5. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to computers. At the moment my inibuild aircraft purchases are working just fine. Mt XP11 is not on Drive C but rather Drive E. I have no idea where this IniManager installed itself. as I can't find it. Seem like a few people are having problems with inimanager. Not sure how to proceed here. Dave
  6. Anything you are able to share here? This is one item for me adds greatly to the experience. Dave
  7. Re A310. A Canadian here......our military uses the A310 in several roles include a tanker. Hope you’ll include some military liveries. Got your A300 and quite enjoy it.
  8. Just received my custom livery from IniBuilds. Very well done. Really pleased with it. Adds an additional immersion factor to an already great experience flying the A300. If you are considering using this service it has my recommendation. Dave.
  9. Agreed. This aircraft is an excellent creation. I’ve had it for a few days and it definitely is a different type of machine. Those training video are required viewing. Really enjoying this. Dave.
  10. dbw


    Will the A300 run on 11.40. I have 11.40 running very well and do not want to change anything. That said i see the requirements for the A300 listed as 11.41+. Are there any public forums available to those who have yet to purchase but have not pulled the trigger yet? Would like to do a little more research....Thanks. Dave
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