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  1. Maybe, but if we're navigating the displays with a mouse, the slider should work with the mouse.
  2. UAL277

    VR Viewpoint

    This helped but my viewpoint was still about 5cm to the left of the PFD and about 10-15cm too far back. This needs a little tweaking...
  3. UAL277

    VR Viewpoint

    I think I did but I'll try that again and report back. Thanks.
  4. UAL277

    VR Viewpoint

    So far, very happy with the A350; looks amazing! When I switch to VR, using the Quest 3, the pilot's view point seems off - too far back and too low. The tops of my thighs are roughly where the top of the seat cushions are and my face is roughly where the back of the seat is. The "positioning balls" on the pillar on the windscreen are way off. I tried to adjust the seat, using the buttons on the seat pillar just in case, no joy. I got the seat moved back and to the side but I couldn't return the seat to the flying position; couldn't find anything about the seat controls in the iniBuilds A350 manual. Early days, I know... Cheers.
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