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Lion Airlines PK-LEO for iniSimulations A310-300 1.0.0

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About This File

Repaint featuring PK-LEO, Lion Air's only Airbus A310 which was in service between 2001 and 2003.

PK-LEO was an Airbus A310-322 MSN 410 delivered to the fledgling low-cost carrier in July 2001. Originally delivered to Swissair in 1986, the aircraft was one of the rare occasions in which it had the older Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7R4E high-bypass turbofan engines. Its tenure in Indonesia started with AWAIR in March 2001 as PK-AWR, for only about 4 months before being transferred to Lion Air. The aircraft was subsequently named Imallobassi. It would fly for other airlines for another 4 years after it came out of Lion Air in 2003 and was indefinitely stored from 2007, until it was scrapped in 2015 at Brussels.

Since iniSimulations A310 doesn't have the JT9D engine variant, the configuration here uses the PW4000 engine variant instead.

Installation is simple, simply drag and drop "Lion Airlines (PK-LEO)" into your iniSimulations A310-300 Passenger liveries folder.

MSFS Edition is now available!: https://flightsim.to/file/43845/lion-airlines-pk-leo-for-inisimulations-a310-300-msfs-edition

If you like my work, feel free to donate to my PayPal at https://paypal.me/AsherPramono - it would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by asher_050100

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