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Does the A310 for MSFS have CPDLC functionality / SimBrief integration?


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CPDLC is not currently supported in the Microsoft Flight Simulator rendition of the A310; You can however, route recall via SimBrief.

This can be done by typing your username in the FMS. If you have a more unique username you must enter this in a file (simbrief.ini) file rather than the plane (such as if you have an _ in your name). This is located here:

Steam: C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\work

MS Store Users C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\work

If you do not see a ‘simbrief.ini’ file please drop this file in the location above.

Please note the weather request is experimental and may impact flight if there is a certain type of atis response. This may be removed in the next update. 


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